GY-87 angle drifts

Hey everyone,

I recently purchased two modules, the GY-87 and the GY-521, both of which utilize the MPU6050. I have the following code, which I borrowed from Joop Brokking and made some slight adjustments to:

#include <Wire.h>

//Manual accelerometer calibration values for IMU angles:
int16_t manual_acc_pitch_cal_value = 0;
int16_t manual_acc_roll_cal_value = 0;

//Manual gyro calibration values.
//Set the use_manual_calibration variable to true to use the manual calibration variables.
uint8_t use_manual_calibration = false;
int16_t manual_gyro_pitch_cal_value = 0;
int16_t manual_gyro_roll_cal_value = 0;
int16_t manual_gyro_yaw_cal_value = 0;

float angle_roll_acc, angle_pitch_acc, angle_pitch, angle_roll;

int16_t acc_axis[4], gyro_axis[4], temperature;
int32_t gyro_axis_cal[4], acc_axis_cal[4];
int32_t cal_int;
int16_t loop_counter;
uint32_t loop_timer;

//The I2C address of the MPU-6050 is 0x68 in hexadecimal form.
uint8_t gyro_address = 0x68;

TwoWire HWire(2, I2C_FAST_MODE);

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(57600);                                          //Set the serial output to 57600 kbps.
  delay(100);                                                    //Give the serial port some time to start to prevent data loss.

  HWire.begin();                                                //Start the I2C as master
  HWire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                        //Start communication with the MPU-6050.
  HWire.write(0x6B);                                            //We want to write to the PWR_MGMT_1 register (6B hex).
  HWire.write(0x00);                                            //Set the register bits as 00000000 to activate the gyro.
  HWire.endTransmission();                                      //End the transmission with the gyro.

  HWire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                        //Start communication with the MPU-6050.
  HWire.write(0x1B);                                            //We want to write to the GYRO_CONFIG register (1B hex).
  HWire.write(0x08);                                            //Set the register bits as 00001000 (500dps full scale).
  HWire.endTransmission();                                      //End the transmission with the gyro.

  HWire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                        //Start communication with the MPU-6050.
  HWire.write(0x1C);                                            //We want to write to the ACCEL_CONFIG register (1A hex).
  HWire.write(0x10);                                            //Set the register bits as 00010000 (+/- 8g full scale range).
  HWire.endTransmission();                                      //End the transmission with the gyro.

  HWire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                        //Start communication with the MPU-6050.
  HWire.write(0x1A);                                            //We want to write to the CONFIG register (1A hex).
  HWire.write(0x03);                                            //Set the register bits as 00000011 (Set Digital Low Pass Filter to ~43Hz).
  HWire.endTransmission();                                      //End the transmission with the gyro.


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

void gyro_signalen(void) {
  //Read the MPU-6050 data.
  HWire.beginTransmission(gyro_address);                       //Start communication with the gyro.
  HWire.write(0x3B);                                           //Start reading @ register 43h and auto increment with every read.
  HWire.endTransmission();                                     //End the transmission.
  HWire.requestFrom(gyro_address, 14);                         //Request 14 bytes from the MPU 6050.

  acc_axis[1] = << 8 |;              //Add the low and high byte to the acc_x variable.
  acc_axis[2] = << 8 |;              //Add the low and high byte to the acc_y variable.
  acc_axis[3] = << 8 |;              //Add the low and high byte to the acc_z variable.
  temperature = << 8 |;              //Add the low and high byte to the temperature variable.
  gyro_axis[1] = << 8 |;             //Read high and low part of the angular data.
  gyro_axis[2] = << 8 |;             //Read high and low part of the angular data.
  gyro_axis[3] = << 8 |;             //Read high and low part of the angular data.
  gyro_axis[2] *= -1;                                          //Invert gyro so that nose up gives positive value.
  gyro_axis[3] *= -1;                                          //Invert gyro so that nose right gives positive value.

  acc_axis[1] -= manual_acc_pitch_cal_value;                   //Subtact the manual accelerometer pitch calibration value.
  acc_axis[2] -= manual_acc_roll_cal_value;                    //Subtact the manual accelerometer roll calibration value.
  gyro_axis[1] -= manual_gyro_roll_cal_value;                  //Subtact the manual gyro roll calibration value.
  gyro_axis[2] -= manual_gyro_pitch_cal_value;                 //Subtact the manual gyro pitch calibration value.
  gyro_axis[3] -= manual_gyro_yaw_cal_value;                   //Subtact the manual gyro yaw calibration value.

void check_imu_angles(void) {
  uint8_t first_angle = 0;
  loop_counter = 0;
  first_angle = false;
  if (use_manual_calibration)cal_int = 2000;                                            //If manual calibration is used.
  else {
    cal_int = 0;                                                                        //If manual calibration is not used.
    manual_gyro_pitch_cal_value = 0;                                                    //Set the manual pitch calibration variable to 0.
    manual_gyro_roll_cal_value = 0;                                                     //Set the manual roll calibration variable to 0.
    manual_gyro_yaw_cal_value = 0;                                                      //Set the manual yaw calibration variable to 0.
  while (1) {                                                                
    loop_timer = micros() + 4000;                                                       //Set the loop_timer variable to the current micros() value + 4000.

    if (cal_int == 0) {                                                                 //If manual calibration is not used.
      gyro_axis_cal[1] = 0;                                                             //Reset calibration variables for next calibration.
      gyro_axis_cal[2] = 0;                                                             //Reset calibration variables for next calibration.
      gyro_axis_cal[3] = 0;                                                             //Reset calibration variables for next calibration.
      Serial.print("Calibrating the gyro");
      //Let's take multiple gyro data samples so we can determine the average gyro offset (calibration).
      for (cal_int = 0; cal_int < 2000 ; cal_int ++) {                                  //Take 2000 readings for calibration.
        gyro_signalen();                                                                //Read the gyro output.
        gyro_axis_cal[1] += gyro_axis[1];                                               //Ad roll value to gyro_roll_cal.
        gyro_axis_cal[2] += gyro_axis[2];                                               //Ad pitch value to gyro_pitch_cal.
        gyro_axis_cal[3] += gyro_axis[3];                                               //Ad yaw value to gyro_yaw_cal.
        delay(4);                                                                       //Small delay to simulate a 250Hz loop during calibration.
      //Now that we have 2000 measures, we need to devide by 2000 to get the average gyro offset.
      gyro_axis_cal[1] /= 2000;                                                         //Divide the roll total by 2000.
      gyro_axis_cal[2] /= 2000;                                                         //Divide the pitch total by 2000.
      gyro_axis_cal[3] /= 2000;                                                         //Divide the yaw total by 2000.

      manual_gyro_pitch_cal_value = gyro_axis_cal[2];                                   //Set the manual pitch calibration variable to the detected value.
      manual_gyro_roll_cal_value = gyro_axis_cal[1];                                    //Set the manual roll calibration variable to the detected value.
      manual_gyro_yaw_cal_value = gyro_axis_cal[3];                                     //Set the manual yaw calibration variable to the detected value.

    gyro_signalen();                                                                    //Let's get the current gyro data.

    //Gyro angle calculations
    //0.0000611 = 1 / (250Hz / 65.5)
    angle_pitch += gyro_axis[2] * 0.0000611;                                            //Calculate the traveled pitch angle and add this to the angle_pitch variable.
    angle_roll += gyro_axis[1] * 0.0000611;                                             //Calculate the traveled roll angle and add this to the angle_roll variable.

    //0.000001066 = 0.0000611 * (3.142(PI) / 180degr) The Arduino sin function is in radians
    angle_pitch -= angle_roll * sin(gyro_axis[3] * 0.000001066);                        //If the IMU has yawed transfer the roll angle to the pitch angel.
    angle_roll += angle_pitch * sin(gyro_axis[3] * 0.000001066);                        //If the IMU has yawed transfer the pitch angle to the roll angel.

    //Accelerometer angle calculations
    if (acc_axis[1] > 4096)acc_axis[1] = 4096;                                          //Limit the maximum accelerometer value.
    if (acc_axis[1] < -4096)acc_axis[1] = -4096;                                        //Limit the maximum accelerometer value.
    if (acc_axis[2] > 4096)acc_axis[2] = 4096;                                          //Limit the maximum accelerometer value.
    if (acc_axis[2] < -4096)acc_axis[2] = -4096;                                        //Limit the maximum accelerometer value.

    //57.296 = 1 / (3.142 / 180) The Arduino asin function is in radians
    angle_pitch_acc = asin((float)acc_axis[1] / 4096) * 57.296;                         //Calculate the pitch angle.
    angle_roll_acc = asin((float)acc_axis[2] / 4096) * 57.296;                          //Calculate the roll angle.

    if (!first_angle) {                                                                 //When this is the first time.
      angle_pitch = angle_pitch_acc;                                                    //Set the pitch angle to the accelerometer angle.
      angle_roll = angle_roll_acc;                                                      //Set the roll angle to the accelerometer angle.
      first_angle = true;
    else {                                                                              //When this is not the first time.
      angle_pitch = angle_pitch * 0.9996 + angle_pitch_acc * 0.0004;                    //Correct the drift of the gyro pitch angle with the accelerometer pitch angle.
      angle_roll = angle_roll * 0.9996 + angle_roll_acc * 0.0004;                       //Correct the drift of the gyro roll angle with the accelerometer roll angle.

    //We can't print all the data at once. This takes to long and the angular readings will be off.
    if (loop_counter == 0)Serial.print("Pitch: ");
    if (loop_counter == 1)Serial.print(angle_pitch , 1);
    if (loop_counter == 2)Serial.print(" Roll: ");
    if (loop_counter == 3)Serial.print(angle_roll , 1);
    if (loop_counter == 4)Serial.print(" Yaw: ");
    if (loop_counter == 5)Serial.print(gyro_axis[3] / 65.5 , 0);
    if (loop_counter == 6)Serial.print(" Temp: ");
    if (loop_counter == 7)Serial.println(temperature / 340.0 + 35.0 , 1);
    loop_counter ++;
    if (loop_counter == 60)loop_counter = 0;

    while (loop_timer > micros());
  loop_counter = 0;                                                                     //Reset the loop counter variable to 0.

I am using an STM32F103C8T6 with these modules, and I'm encountering a problem. With the GY-521, the code seems to work correctly: the angles do not drift. For example, if I hold the module at a 45-degree angle, it shows that angle accurately. However, with the GY-87, the angle drifts. It starts decreasing, and when the module is leveled again, it shows about a 10-degree roll.

Has anyone experienced the same problem and could explain what the issue might be?

P.S. I tried different GY-521 and GY-87 modules and even tried with an Arduino UNO, but the problem remains the same.

Thanks in advance!

For static angles you better use the accelerations which have no integrating offsets.

Also better IMU exist than the old MPU6050.