We have the Grove 3 axis gyroscope and we're trying to use it to turn our robot a given number of degrees. For example, we want to tell the robot to turn 90 degrees and use the gyroscope to determine how far it has turned and when to stop turning.
The gyroscope is returning x, y, and z values as well as angular velocities for each axis, but when the robot stops turning, the gyroscrope x, y, and z values are reset to what they started at - they do not hold true relative to the position they started at.
How do we determine how far it has rotated with this gyroscope? The gyro is currently in the dead-center of our robot but we can of course move it if that would help. We are coming from the Vex gyroscope though, which holds the reading for relative position (if you rotate the robot 15 degrees clockwise, the gyroscope will keep returning 150, the degrees by a factor of 10, until you rotate it back to its relative starting position).