Hello guys! Im currently building a CNC router that uses a water cooled spindle, and I've got a 3D printer and are making a flow indicator with a magnet attached to one of the fins of the indicator and outside the housing is a Hall effect sensor attached,
So my plan is to use that flow indicator with an Hall effect sensor to get a pulsed (pwm signal) as an input to the arduino,
And I want the arduino to react to when/if the flow stops to sound a alarm,
So the arduino needs to detect the pwm signal from the hall sensor and when the flow stops and it gets constant low/high to sound a alarm,
The arduino will output a pwm signal to a piezo so that I can hear it instead of being forced to look for continuous flow.
And as you guys may understand that I'm not to good at arduino programming yet.
I'm kinda new to all electronics and programming
And that my English isn't the best and are hoping that you understand what I mean
I would really appreciate some help
The sensor is a eBay bought sensor with an LM393 IC and got 4 connections DO VCC GND AO
Digital output / 5v / GNG / Analog output
And the arduino is an Arduino uno (atmega 328P)
Which doesn't make to big difference,
I'm planning to later on, etch a board and make a standalone arduino board.
With hopes of not get to much noise interference from the 400hz spindle? It may or may not be possible to use an arduino so close to the machine?
Otherwise? Is there anyone that have any other idea? Using 555 timers or any other IC's to get the Same function?