So, I am fooling around with the Arduino and it is fun so far. I have bought a HC-05 bluetooth module and found several tutorials on how to connect it. It seems very easy, but I noticed it isn't at some point. This point is when connecting it with my mobile device (Android, Moto G6). When connected, my smartphone sees the HC05, I can connect to it with the pin 1234, but it looses connection as soon as I switch to a different app (it doesn't matter which app).
It's not any problem with your HC-05, please try this Mobile app
if you want to view any information that is coming from HC-05. It works completely fine for me.
I would like to stress a point here, after connecting your BT module to the phone, please don't remove the app from your RAM, if you do so then the app gets shutdown and the connection will be lost.