Heart rate monitor server

Hi. I have project to create server for 20 heart rate monitor belts. Heart rate monitor belts working based on ble tehnology.
So I know all uuid of all belts, predefined.
I need to get from active once one parameter.
If I understand right, I need in loop connect, read, disconnect.
Cant find exec commands.

Can some one help. Do I go to right direction?

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I have project to create server for 20 Heart rate monitors

Please explain because the use case is unusual.

I need to get from active once one parameter.

Can you please confirm whether you only want to read each sensor once or do you want to continuously read all sensors. What is the use case?

If I understand right, I need in loop connect, read, disconnect.

This is possible but only if you have enough time. If you need continuous measurements, this will not work.

Cant find exec commands.

This does not make sense without knowing what hardware you are using and which libraries.

Who will use Your project, where will it be used?

I have one trainer and 20 cadets. Cadets go to training and heart rate sensors on them. Trainer must have device where can be monitored all 20 cadets heart rates.
So i need to chouse heart rate sensors and create device /server which will get hr sensors values from all 20. It need to be done continuesly. Server will be connected to PC using ethernet.

I have one trainer and 20 cadets. Cadets go to training and heart rate sensors on them. Trainer must have device where can be monitored all 20 cadets heart rates.

I think you will need to read some datasheets and do some experiments. Likely you will need create your own board. Here are a few points to get you started:

  • check the number of simultaneous BLE connections e.g.

-- the NINA-B306 on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE says maximum 20 connections
-- the NINA-W102 on the Arduino Nano 33 IoT says maximum 8 connections
-- the ESP32 seems to have a limit of 8, but there are many parts, you need to check the web page

  • some users already had issues with the Arduino Nano 33 BLE connecting in general

  • I do not believe anyone in this forum has tried connecting 20 BLE devices.

  • Some modules allow external antennas. This is likely your best chance to improve performance.

  • There are plenty of BLE devices on the market but many come with their own development environment. They are not as easy to use as Arduino IDE but will provide you with a much better debugging experience.

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