i want to use motor bldc from photocopy machine to replace motor AC old for my desk fan . I m newbie with arduino , i try looking for code multi button for PIANNO to gernerator Frequency , but it work not good .
my motor photocopy use chip driver LB1923 , it work if pin START =0 , and Clock from min to max 100-3khz
i try to use 3 switch from desk fan to control 3 speed . When one swith connect to GND ,attiny will generator Frequency and Set Pin Start =0 . i want to frequency incrase low instead fix .
example Switch 1 , Start=0 ,Clock generator Frewency 100.....incrase low to 400hz
Switch 2 , Start=0 ,Clock generator Frewency from 100.....incrase low to 800hz
Switch 3 , Start=0, Clock generator Frewency from 100.....incrase low to 1200hz
no switch ,Start =1, Clock =0
i send schematic photo bellow
please help me source for this project . I only rewind , repair motors AC 1 PHASE , 3 PHASE ago. I m not skill to write code with arduino .
What makes you suppose the BLDC is suitable for driving the same fan? Power and speed the same?
With fans the power required is a steep function of rotation speed, so these details matter.
What makes you suppose the BLDC is suitable for driving the same fan? Power and speed the same?
With fans the power required is a steep function of rotation speed, so these details matter.
Thank you answer me .
With BLDC , I can use Power DC from Solar battery when have no grid power
stronger and save energy than ac motor very much ,with a battery acid 12v 7a , i can use 8h
i saw it from Photocopy machine,so much
This motor use Chip driver LB11923 . It need set Pin Start =0 and Pin Clock = frequency from min 100hz -
max 3khz
My desk fan had 4 switch , 0 1 2 3 . So i want to use Switch availble .
With each Switch , i will set Frequency to device Speed .But i want to Frequency change from Low to high , Motor work smooth
So , Code only processing Frequency . i think so
I tried some days but not yet....i so weak about arduino ,i m old man
The first thing, I think, would be to write or find some code to toggle an arduino pin at , say 200hz. See if that will get the fan rotating, via it's driver, of course. Then change the pulse rate in the code to see if it runs ok at 1200hz. If you need to increase the frequency gradually from 100 hz to 400, 800 or 1200hz, (instead of just being able to start off at 400, 800 or 1200hz), then you'll have to introduce another variable in the pulse generation loop to give the correct acceleration profile, if one is needed. Then, add the code to set the maximum frequency for each button/switch. I'm not sure if anyone will write code for you to cut and paste for such a specific application, but most likely they'll assist in correcting what you have found/written yourself.
The first thing, I think, would be to write or find some code to toggle an arduino pin at , say 200hz. See if that will get the fan rotating, via it's driver, of course. Then change the pulse rate in the code to see if it runs ok at 1200hz. If you need to increase the frequency gradually from 100 hz to 400, 800 or 1200hz, (instead of just being able to start off at 400, 800 or 1200hz), then you'll have to introduce another variable in the pulse generation loop to give the correct acceleration profile, if one is needed. Then, add the code to set the maximum frequency for each button/switch. I'm not sure if anyone will write code for you to cut and paste for such a specific application, but most likely they'll assist in correcting what you have found/written yourself.
Thank you answer me.You said right whats i want to do .
Yes. i think i can make code with 3 Switch for 3 frequency ( by code Arduino for Piano with multi button on GG ) , But make Frequency increase from low to high , i can not .
i do not know attiny13 enough for this project ??? or i can use ATTINY 25/45 . have no attiny85
Have you actually got the fan running via the arduino? If not forget about the three switches and varying speed for the time being. If you open the arduino ide, go to the help section, look up 'delayMicroseconds()' there is some code that generates a pulse stream, try that. Change the pulse rate and try that, too. Then, all you need is a loop to decrement the delay periods. As I said, show what you've got so far, then others can maybe help. Have you got the 'blink program' to work, that does a similar job, but slower? By that I mean you've said you are not knowledgeable on arduino, but have you actually managed to program one to do something, even blink an LED? If you've not actually loaded/run an arduino programt, then the question you need answering is something else.
Have you actually got the fan running via the arduino? If not forget about the three switches and varying speed for the time being. If you open the arduino ide, go to the help section, look up 'delayMicroseconds()' there is some code that generates a pulse stream, try that. Change the pulse rate and try that, too. Then, all you need is a loop to decrement the delay periods. As I said, show what you've got so far, then others can maybe help. Have you got the 'blink program' to work, that does a similar job, but slower? By that I mean you've said you are not knowledgeable on arduino, but have you actually managed to program one to do something, even blink an LED? If you've not actually loaded/run an arduino programt, then the question you need answering is something else.
i had hardware , motor , attiny , Arduino sofware .
i can simulator it on Protues . I tried some project Arduino on Protues , it worked
i know scheamatic , but do not understant Code , i only looking for code from GG and compile file hex to use .
we buy some Solar battery to use because Grid power not enough . i think use Motor DC brushed but it so noisy , hot and short time.
Hi, unless you have done the basics with the arduino ide, loaded the blink program onto your pcb, altered the blink rate, than you will be unlikely to understand code, or resolve your problem with anyone's help on this forum. If you have done that, then post your altered code here, if you haven't done it, then I suggest you do so, so we have a common base to get you to be able to write the code to control your motor.
If there is a language problem, e.g. English is not your first language, you may find it easier to chat in one of the specific language sections of the forum.
Hi, unless you have done the basics with the arduino ide, loaded the blink program onto your pcb, altered the blink rate, than you will be unlikely to understand code, or resolve your problem with anyone's help on this forum. If you have done that, then post your altered code here, if you haven't done it, then I suggest you do so, so we have a common base to get you to be able to write the code to control your motor.
If there is a language problem, e.g. English is not your first language, you may find it easier to chat in one of the specific language sections of the forum.
thank you answer me .Although my english bad , but i understant whats you and everyone talk. Im from Asia
i read this thread everyday .And now i decided to give up . I have not skills to write a program. It gives me a headache because i think so much , it over with old man 65 year .
You are as old as you think you are. In years, many here are older than you, I can understand your bewilderment, but that would disappear as you become familiar with the programming language. I reckon, if you applied an open mind, could follow simple instructions, within a few weeks you'd get your fan running as you want. As you know, the longest journey starts by making the first step. You've done that, now you need to make the next. You are looking at the overall complexity of code, not being able to see that each statement is so trivial and simple. What do you not understand about the blink program. It's written in English, more or less, no machine code/Hex involved. But, it's your choice, of course.
You are as old as you think you are. In years, many here are older than you, I can understand your bewilderment, but that would disappear as you become familiar with the programming language. I reckon, if you applied an open mind, could follow simple instructions, within a few weeks you'd get your fan running as you want. As you know, the longest journey starts by making the first step. You've done that, now you need to make the next. You are looking at the overall complexity of code, not being able to see that each statement is so trivial and simple. What do you not understand about the blink program. It's written in English, more or less, no machine code/Hex involved. But, it's your choice, of course.