Help Improving Control System of Servos [Object Tracking]


I am workign in a project, righ now I am here.

With the camera I work out the position of the object (15 times per second) and with that value I move the servo trying to get the center point of the camera. I am doing this with this code:

void loop()
  if(camera.color_detection(RED))  // True if an object is found, then the position is update in camera.pos_x/y
    // Define the limits which we are going to consider as a valid centered positions "The frame is 160x120"
    int upLimit = 65;
    int downLimit = 55;
    int rightLimit = 85;
    int leftLimit = 75;
    // Real the position of the Servos (degrees)
    int lowerPos =;
    int upperPos =; 

    // If the position of the object is outside our limits we calculate our new position of the servos (Degrees)
    // Based on the distance from the object to the center
    if(camera.object.pos_x > rightLimit) 
      lowerPos -= (camera.object.pos_x - rightLimit)/gear;
    else if(camera.object.pos_x < leftLimit) 
      lowerPos += (leftLimit - camera.object.pos_x)/gear;
    // Same for upper servo 
    if(camera.object.pos_y > upLimit) 
      upperPos += (camera.object.pos_y - upLimit)/gear;
    else if(camera.object.pos_y < downLimit) 
      upperPos -= (downLimit - camera.object.pos_y)/gear;  

    // Update the position of the Servos
    // Serial prints for Debug
    Serial.print("Object position: ");
    Serial.print(", ");
    Serial.print("Distance: ");
    Serial.print("Movement: ");

the function camera.color_detection(RED) updates camera.object.pos_x/y with the position of the object.

The camera is working in QQVGA resolution (160,120) "Desired postition 80,60"
And gear is a constant I am using in order to change the speed of the response.

Now I would like to move to a PID controller or whatever what could improve the response. A have read several examples of PID but I don't know how to implement the code in my case. How to translate the diference from the desired point to degrees.

Thanks in advance.

Can you provide a description of what your code is trying to do. For example "" means nothing to me.

What should your code be doing and what is it actually doing?


Can you provide a description of what your code is trying to do. For example "" means nothing to me.

What should your code be doing and what is it actually doing?


Okey sorry, I'll explain everything better.

I am using thel ibrary servo to control the servo and the library "camera" which control the functionality of the camera. I have updated the post with more code explanation.

I like brevity. But perhaps you are overdoing it? I have NO idea what your system is trying to do or what it's actually doing so how can I help?

Also, it's generally confusing if you make major changes to an earlier post. Better just to show the updated version in a later post.
