So I am seeking out for a clearer understanding on the Can bus mask and filters as I am struggling with it tbh. Below is a snippet of code from an example that i decided to use to help me get my head around this,
Say for example i wanted to only see standard 11 bit :
ID:0x260 (3) 0x7F 0x32 0x7F
ID:0x305 (7) 0x00 0x00 0xC0 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x00
How would i set the mask and filters up to do this?
Appreciated any help with this thanks.
CAN.init_Mask(0, 0, 0x3ff);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
CAN.init_Mask(1, 0, 0x3ff);
CAN.init_Filt(0, 0, 0x04);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
CAN.init_Filt(1, 0, 0x05);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
CAN.init_Filt(2, 0, 0x06);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
CAN.init_Filt(3, 0, 0x07);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
CAN.init_Filt(4, 0, 0x08);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
CAN.init_Filt(5, 0, 0x09);
if you are using coryjfowler library any refering to this example
then IMHO to filter/receive only CAN IDs 0x260 and 0x305
you could try something like this:
#include <mcp_can.h>
#include <SPI.h>
long unsigned int rxId;
unsigned char len = 0;
unsigned char rxBuf[8];
MCP_CAN CAN0(10);Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â // Set CS to pin 10
void setup()
 if (CAN0.begin(MCP_STD, CAN_500KBPS, MCP_16MHZ) == CAN_OK) Serial.print("MCP2515 Init Okay!!\r\n");
 else Serial.print("MCP2515 Init Failed!!\r\n");
 pinMode(2, INPUT);           // Setting pin 2 for /INT input
 CAN0.init_Mask(0, 0, 0x07FF0000);       // Init first mask...
 CAN0.init_Filt(0, 0, 0x02600000);       // Init first filter...
 CAN0.init_Filt(1, 0, 0x03050000);       // Init second filter...
 CAN0.init_Mask(1, 0, 0x07FF0000);       // Init second mask...
 CAN0.init_Filt(2, 0, 0x02600000);       // Init third filter...
 CAN0.init_Filt(3, 0, 0x03050000);       // Init fouth filter...
 CAN0.init_Filt(4, 0, 0x02600000);       // Init fifth filter...
 CAN0.init_Filt(5, 0, 0x03050000);       // Init sixth filter...
 Serial.println("MCP2515 Library Mask & Filter Example...");
 CAN0.setMode(MCP_NORMAL);        // Change to normal mode to allow messages to be transmitted
void loop()
 if (!digitalRead(2))         // If pin 2 is low, read receive buffer
  CAN0.readMsgBuf(&rxId, &len, rxBuf); // Read data: len = data length, buf = data byte(s)
  Serial.print("ID: ");
  Serial.print(rxId, HEX);
  Serial.print(" Data: ");
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)    // Print each byte of the data
   if (rxBuf[i] < 0x10)       // If data byte is less than 0x10, add a leading zero
   Serial.print(rxBuf[i], HEX);
   Serial.print(" ");
hope that helps....
PS: Could you also confirm what CAN shield you are using please
appreciate the quick reply, Thanks! i am using a mcp2515 shield for arduino uno
appreciate the quick reply, Thanks! i am using a mcp2515 shield for arduino uno
there is a few of those sheilds available... is it the SEED one, Sparkfun, from eBay...??
asking coz they don't all have the same crystal frequency... but that for later to check I guess if are getting reading (with not filter) issues!
yes sorry just a generic one from ebay, 16mHz crystal, I have no issues reading or sending normally but it i needed to know how to use the filters properly as i only want to receive 2 specific messages one which i want to read and other to send :), No doubt i will be back asking more another time lol
So I am seeking out for a clearer understanding on the Can bus mask and filters as I am struggling with it tbh.
I think the best explanation is in the chip datasheet.