Help measuring current with manual ranging multimeter

I'm trying to measure the current of a UV led @ 3.3v, 10ohm(smallest I have) shunt resistor.
It's my first time measuring current, and I'm confused about the readings at different ranges on my multimeter.

At 200mA range it seems to indicate 96mA

At 20mA range it seems to indicate 9mA

At 2mA range it seems to indicate 1.1mA

Am I reading my multimeter wrong, is my setup wrong, or is my multimeter faulty?


Please post pictures showing which sockets on the meter that you have the test leads plugged into

Are you measuring the current across the resistor?


ah so I need to measure voltage across the resistor and use ohm's law got it.

on another note, when I insert the multimeter directly in series with the circuit, it seems to read over limits at 200mA range.
Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong here as well?

There is no current limiting series LED resistor, you will burn out the LED or damage the breadboard power supply.

A 220 ohm resistor with is a place to start for the resistor.

I guess he did it.
What is the result of the calculation using the Ohmsch law?

is this still the case if I'm using a 3.3v supply and the max forward voltage of the led is 4.2v?

On a 3.3 V supply, the LED may not draw excessive current.

OTOH, it may, particularly as it heats up. So you still need a resistor but the situation is very tricky at .3 V.

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