Help on (non-working) LM317 constant current circuit

haha.. I hear that..

unfortunately.. (for me).. more projects than knowledge as well! :slight_smile: lol..

and yes.. I do suggest the Silhouette Cameo.. great little machine..
no proprietary 'cartridges' for fonts/images/clip art.. (which is how most work)

you can import images.. (trace) then cut them.. .. create using their little tool box/GUI (not the
if you get the upgraded software... you can import .svg files directly (and save too I think?) which is kind of a sweet feature!

I made some etching on mugs (negative stencil on glass mug form dollar store.. into the media cabinet for some some sand blasting).. can also be done for about $20.00 with 'air erasure' from HarborFrieght too..

great for parties and events to have fun with....etc.

plus geek stickers! lol.. vinyl stuff for windows/cars/stencils..etc..

but I think it use it for PCB stencils the most.. any time.. just pop-one out, smear some paste...populate & bake!

I have a very old Graphtec vinyl cutter that I started making PCBs and experimented with cutting solder stencils, then it quit working after we moved. Not had time to fix it.

You results look great! I agree with the sentiment that although this may be inefficient, you have to start somewhere.

thanks for the support! (I'm trying) lol..

I think you can use the same Python stuff I am using for yours (Graphtec)...
it uses Gerber files as the source..(which is great cause I use Eagle)
and it cuts some pretty nice stencils.. (saves me $25-$35 a time when I make them myself!)

the 'kit' above is 5 stencils right there. :slight_smile:

All the steps/guide is on Dangerous Prototypes forum.. (I think I have everything still saved too,.. if you cant find it let me know)

anyways.. I have everything done.. and ave moved things away from the temp button and using a DB-9 (serial) connector for the magazine to gun connection....

and since I have to disconnect one of the MAX chips (its in the magazine) and reconnect it.. Im having an issue on it re-initializing correctly..(or something)? I made a thread on it... (the fun never stops!) LOL

any of you more experienced guys wanna take a shot at this one for me:;topicseen#new


experience with the MAX7219/MAX7221 chips is needed.. more or less having trouble removing a part/component/pcb from the circuit (that has a MAX chip on it).. and re-inserting it later to continue 'running/updating'