Help Programming Arduino uno hid keyboard

Hi! I am very new to coding with very limited knowledge of different languages(I only know basic html). I have an arduino uno and am trying to make it so that when the board is plugged in, it will use hid keyboard to type a message, then loop forever, continuing to type the message. If this is at all possible, could someone please let me know? I would like some sample code and an explanation of why it works to help me understand it. I've been researching it for a few hours and I can't seem to figure out how to get it to work. Thanks in adavnce!

An Uno does not provide HD functionality out-of the box. And only Unos with 16U2 TTL-to-USB converter can be modified to provide HID functionality by replacing the 16U2 firmware. If your Uno is a clone, chances are very big that it uses the CH340 TTL-to-USB converter and you're out of luck..

Hello magicman5

Take a view here and check.

Thanks for letting me know!

There is one way you could get this to work with your UNO, using a piece of software called V-USB. It is not the most straight-forward option, but still good to be aware of. You would also need to build a small circuit / cable from electrical components.

If you do have the ability to instead get a different model of Arduino (such as the suggested Leonardo), I would definitely do that rather than consider V-USB.

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