help with ArduinoGeigerCounter‏ (radiation D-v1.1 cajoe )

i have ArduinoGeigerCounter‏ Board: RadiationD-v1.1 (CAJOE) from china
and i want connect it to arduino auno in two case :
case 1- montering the count in serial monitor
case 2- then connect it to lcd secreen 16x2

can you help me to give me the code for case 1 and case 2 ?

with my best regard

If you wish someone to write code for you, post in the "Gigs & Collaborations" forum section and be prepared to pay.

You will also need to post a link to the Geiger counter.

i have ArduinoGeigerCounter‏ Board: RadiationD-v1.1 (CAJOE) from china
and i want connect it to arduino auno in two case :
case 1- montering the count in serial monitor
case 2- then connect it to lcd secreen 16x2

can you help me to give me the code for case 1 and case 2 ?

with my best regard

Do you have a data sheet for this sensor?

With data sheet, no problem.
Without data sheet or other detailed info, no chance.

#include <some LCD lib>  // see sample libraries


volatile uint32_t counter = 0;
uint32_t lastLCDupdate = 0;

void setup()

  attachInterrupt(0, isr, CHANGE);

void loop()
  if (millis() - lastLCDupdate >= 1000)
    lastLCDupdate = millis();
    uint32_t cnt = counter;
    counter = 0;

void isr()

Sorry the code is incomplete, just like your information
but you have a starting point to make it happen.

Moderator merged Cross post - please do not do that

Hi, where did you buy the radiation D-v1.1 cajoe? I want to buy one, too. I have searched, but there is nothing sold now. Could you please tell me the link to buy a radiation D-v1.1 cajoe?

Hi lbdhr, I don't know if that particular kit is still available, but you might want to look at the radiation watch detector. It's a scintillation detector, sensitive to all types of radiation. They supply filters so you can sense just gamma for quantitative work. The best part of it is that it does not need high voltage for the sensor element.

Here's a picture of mine, in action:

If you want a detector that uses a geiger tube, googling around turned up two different boards:

There are others as well, but these are the only two I found that include the tube.