Hi guys, I am very new to the arduino, started a week ago. I am trying to build a combination lock with 6 buttons. Essentially, I want to be able to press 4 buttons in any order. then the box will lock (servo mototr turns 180 degrees). Then Have to enter the same 4 buttons to unlock. my circuit and code are attachec and so is the serial monitor and it is all not working right now.
Please display your image(s) in your post so we can see it(them) without downloading it(them). See this Simple Image Guide
Also please post the program that represents your best attempt and tell us in detail what it actually does and what you want it to do that is different. When posting code please use the code button </>
So you type text.
Then create an image.
Attach the image.
Then you want us to download and open the image and try to read the text.
All this while you could also have copy/pasted the text into your post.
Why are you even thinking posting text as image is a good idea??
it is all not working right now.
In what way is it not working?