Hi all.
Rigged up an ldr to my arduino for light intensity so that when the analogpin reads in the value, it is displayed on an lcd.
All works fine, my simple problem is, the value displayed is obviously between 0 and 1024, my logic seems to have broken just now as i can't figure out how i would set it so that it's as a percentage between 0 and 100%.
Can anyone assist me?
I thought about taking the adc number and dividing by 100 but it didn't work the way i thought it would.
Please see Attached code:
//Arduino lcd experiments "Multi sensory device"
//Ross Gillie 23/8/09
//Version history
/*Version 0.1:
Backlight comes on
Startup ok message displayed
/*version 0.2:
Reads value from ldr and prints to lcd.
Sampling issues to fix as numbers flicker like crazy
/*version 0.21:
fixed sampling issue by adding in delay after analog read and before printing to lcd,doh.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> //Include liquid crsytal library to control lcd
LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,5,4,3,2); //12-RS,11-ENABLE,5-D4,4-D5,3-D6,2-D7
int backlight = 9; //Backlight controlled by pin 9
int backlightbutton = 8; //backlight controlled by switch on pin 8
int mode = 7; //button for selecting mode of sensing
int ldr = 2; //ldr sensor connected to analog pin 2
int ldrVal = 0; //value to store ldr value
int LI; //mode 1
void setup() //setup stuff before main program
//set rows of display
pinMode(backlight, OUTPUT); //set backlight, pin 9 as output
digitalWrite(backlight, HIGH); //turn on backlight
//Print startup msg
delay(4000); //delay startup msg for 4 seconds before running main loop
lcd.clear(); //clear lcd
lcd.home(); //sets cursor back to home position
// Main program stuff below
void loop()
//mode select system will go in here before anything
//make each mode a function that will be selected by mode button on pin 7
//data read out on lcd
/*Mode 1: Light intensity
Mode 2: EMF detector
Mode 3: Capacitance touch sensor
Mode 4: ?
Mode 5: ?
Mode 6: ?
//Functions go here
void LightIntensity() //Mode 1: light intensity, LDR on analog0, read and delivers light intensity reading as %
lcd.print("Light Int:"); //Light intensity message
ldrVal = analogRead (ldr); //read value from ldr
delay(3000); //attempt to sample every 2 seconds
lcd.setCursor(11,0); //set cursor to display value after text
lcd.print(ldrVal); //print value to lcd
Only begun code so nowhere nearfinished, just tryna get things done step by step.