Help with use display - ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-4.3

Hi, I bought the display from waveshare, exactly from this link

I don't know how to write a simple code that will display "Hello world". Only the code that displays 3 RGB stripes works.

 * | Supported ESP SoCs | ESP32-S3 |
 * | ------------------ | -------- |
 * | Supported LCD Controllers | ST7262 |
 * | ------------------------- | ------ |
 * # Single RGB LCD Example
 * The example demonstrates how to develop different model LCDs with RGB (without 3-wire SPI) interface using standalone drivers and test them by displaying color bars.
 * ## How to use
 * 1. [Configure drivers]( if needed.
 * 2. Modify the macros in the example to match the parameters according to your hardware.
 * 3. Navigate to the `Tools` menu in the Arduino IDE to choose a ESP board and configure its parameters, please refter to [Configuring Supported Development Boards](
 * 4. Verify and upload the example to your ESP board.
 * ## Serial Output
 * ```
 * ...
 * RGB LCD example start
 * Create RGB LCD bus
 * Create LCD device
 * Draw color bar from top left to bottom right, the order is B - G - R
 * RGB LCD example end
 * RGB refresh rate: 0
 * RGB refresh rate: 0
 * RGB refresh rate: 31
 * RGB refresh rate: 31
 * ...
 * ```
 * ## Troubleshooting
 * Please check the [FAQ]( first to see if the same question exists. If not, please create a [Github issue]( We will get back to you as soon as possible.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESP_Panel_Library.h>

//////////////////// Please update the following configuration according to your LCD spec //////////////////////////////
 * Currently, the library supports the following RGB (without 3-wire SPI) LCDs:
 *      - ST7262
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_NAME                        ST7262
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_WIDTH                       (800)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_HEIGHT                      (480)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_COLOR_BITS                  (24)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_RGB_DATA_WIDTH              (16)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_RGB_TIMING_FREQ_HZ          (16 * 1000 * 1000)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_RGB_TIMING_HPW              (4)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_RGB_TIMING_HBP              (8)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_RGB_TIMING_HFP              (8)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_RGB_TIMING_VPW              (4)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_RGB_TIMING_VBP              (8)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_RGB_TIMING_VFP              (8)

//////////////////// Please update the following configuration according to your board spec ////////////////////////////
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DISP            (-1)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_VSYNC           (3)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_HSYNC           (46)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DE              (5)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_PCLK            (7)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA0           (14)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA1           (38)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA2           (18)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA3           (17)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA4           (10)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA5           (39)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA6           (0)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA7           (45)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA8           (48)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA9           (47)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA10          (21)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA11          (1)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA12          (2)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA13          (42)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA14          (41)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA15          (40)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RST                 (-1)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_BK_LIGHT            (-1)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_BK_LIGHT_ON_LEVEL           (1)


/* Enable or disable printing RGB refresh rate */
#define EXAMPLE_ENABLE_PRINT_LCD_FPS            (1)

#define _EXAMPLE_LCD_CLASS(name, ...) ESP_PanelLcd_##name(__VA_ARGS__)
#define EXAMPLE_LCD_CLASS(name, ...)  _EXAMPLE_LCD_CLASS(name, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#define EXAMPLE_LCD_FPS_COUNT_MAX               (100)

DRAM_ATTR int frame_count = 0;
DRAM_ATTR int fps = 0;
DRAM_ATTR long start_time = 0;

IRAM_ATTR bool onVsyncEndCallback(void *user_data)
    long frame_start_time = *(long *)user_data;
    if (frame_start_time == 0) {
        (*(long *)user_data) = millis();

        return false;

    if (frame_count >= EXAMPLE_LCD_FPS_COUNT_MAX) {
        fps = EXAMPLE_LCD_FPS_COUNT_MAX * 1000 / (millis() - frame_start_time);
        frame_count = 0;
        (*(long *)user_data) = millis();

    return false;

void setup()
    Serial.println("RGB LCD example start");

    Serial.println("Initialize backlight control pin and turn it off");
    ESP_PanelBacklight *backlight = new ESP_PanelBacklight(EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_BK_LIGHT, EXAMPLE_LCD_BK_LIGHT_ON_LEVEL, true);

    Serial.println("Create RGB LCD bus");
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA0, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA1,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA2, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA3,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA4, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA5,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA6, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA7,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_HSYNC, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_VSYNC,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_PCLK, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DE,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA0, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA1,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA2, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA3,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA4, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA5,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA6, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA7,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA8, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA9,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA10, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA11,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA12, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA13,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA14, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DATA15,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_HSYNC, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_VSYNC,
                                                       EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_PCLK, EXAMPLE_LCD_PIN_NUM_RGB_DE,
    // panel_bus->configRgbBounceBufferSize(EXAMPLE_LCD_WIDTH * 10); // Set bounce buffer to avoid screen drift

    Serial.println("Create LCD device");
    lcd->attachRefreshFinishCallback(onVsyncEndCallback, (void *)&start_time);

    Serial.println("Draw color bar from top left to bottom right, the order is B - G - R");

    Serial.println("Turn on the backlight");

    Serial.println("RGB LCD example end");

void loop()
    Serial.println("RGB refresh rate: " + String(fps));
    Serial.println("IDLE loop");

And I would like to do it using the GFX library, but I can't find information about it anywhere, please help.

I found the hello world code for the gfx library, but I don't know how to configure it to work properly

 * Start of Arduino_GFX setting
 * Arduino_GFX try to find the settings depends on selected board in Arduino IDE
 * Or you can define the display dev kit not in the board list
 * Defalult pin list for non display dev kit:
 * Arduino Nano, Micro and more: CS:  9, DC:  8, RST:  7, BL:  6, SCK: 13, MOSI: 11, MISO: 12
 * ESP32 various dev board     : CS:  5, DC: 27, RST: 33, BL: 22, SCK: 18, MOSI: 23, MISO: nil
 * ESP32-C3 various dev board  : CS:  7, DC:  2, RST:  1, BL:  3, SCK:  4, MOSI:  6, MISO: nil
 * ESP32-S2 various dev board  : CS: 34, DC: 38, RST: 33, BL: 21, SCK: 36, MOSI: 35, MISO: nil
 * ESP32-S3 various dev board  : CS: 40, DC: 41, RST: 42, BL: 48, SCK: 36, MOSI: 35, MISO: nil
 * ESP8266 various dev board   : CS: 15, DC:  4, RST:  2, BL:  5, SCK: 14, MOSI: 13, MISO: 12
 * Raspberry Pi Pico dev board : CS: 17, DC: 27, RST: 26, BL: 28, SCK: 18, MOSI: 19, MISO: 16
 * RTL8720 BW16 old patch core : CS: 18, DC: 17, RST:  2, BL: 23, SCK: 19, MOSI: 21, MISO: 20
 * RTL8720_BW16 Official core  : CS:  9, DC:  8, RST:  6, BL:  3, SCK: 10, MOSI: 12, MISO: 11
 * RTL8722 dev board           : CS: 18, DC: 17, RST: 22, BL: 23, SCK: 13, MOSI: 11, MISO: 12
 * RTL8722_mini dev board      : CS: 12, DC: 14, RST: 15, BL: 13, SCK: 11, MOSI:  9, MISO: 10
 * Seeeduino XIAO dev board    : CS:  3, DC:  2, RST:  1, BL:  0, SCK:  8, MOSI: 10, MISO:  9
 * Teensy 4.1 dev board        : CS: 39, DC: 41, RST: 40, BL: 22, SCK: 13, MOSI: 11, MISO: 12
#include <Arduino_GFX_Library.h>

#define GFX_BL DF_GFX_BL // default backlight pin, you may replace DF_GFX_BL to actual backlight pin

/* More dev device declaration: */
#if defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT)
Arduino_GFX *gfx = create_default_Arduino_GFX();
#else /* !defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT) */

/* More data bus class: */
Arduino_DataBus *bus = create_default_Arduino_DataBus();

/* More display class: */
Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_ILI9341(bus, DF_GFX_RST, 0 /* rotation */, false /* IPS */);

#endif /* !defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT) */
 * End of Arduino_GFX setting

void setup(void)
  // Serial.setDebugOutput(true);
  // while(!Serial);
  Serial.println("Arduino_GFX Hello World example");


  // Init Display
  if (!gfx->begin())
    Serial.println("gfx->begin() failed!");

#ifdef GFX_BL
  pinMode(GFX_BL, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(GFX_BL, HIGH);

  gfx->setCursor(10, 10);
  gfx->println("Hello World!");

  delay(5000); // 5 seconds

void loop()
  gfx->setCursor(random(gfx->width()), random(gfx->height()));
  gfx->setTextColor(random(0xffff), random(0xffff));
  gfx->setTextSize(random(6) /* x scale */, random(6) /* y scale */, random(2) /* pixel_margin */);
  gfx->println("Hello World!");

  delay(1000); // 1 second

Check your connections again. Also, check the continuities of your jumper wires with a multimeter. If all connections are OK and the sample code given by Waveshare does not work, I think you should claim a warranty for the display.

But I wrote that the basic code from Waveshare works, because RGB stripes appear. I mean help in configuring the GFX library so that you can draw text and various shapes using this library.

Did you follow the lengthy install directions starting at

If someone gave me that module (I have a few WaveShare products and they are all non-standard re Arduino IDE) I would likely give it back, waaaay too complicated.

I didn't try to do it that way. I wanted to do everything using arduino ide. Because I want to have the display to read values ​​from sensors that will be on the second esp32 and transmit information to the LCD via serial port.

Goto the Waveshare site and ask there.

I asked them a question a week ago and I'm still waiting, that's why I created a thread here. Because maybe someone had a similar problem and solved it

I just had a look at your original query, what do you mean by 'configure'.

I gave the exact code that works for this display, the first one. After uploading it to the LCD, 3 RGB strips are displayed and it works without a problem. And I would like to learn how to program the display to show the inscription "hello world". Thanks to this example, I will know how to go further with my project.

Hi @slasher37,
I am facing a similar issue with a waveshare esp32 board and display. Correct me if I'm wrong, I think the problem you are describing is that the demos that come from waveshare, use the esp_display_panel library to create the bus with the display. Then, they use lvgl to show some widgets.
Sounds like you would like to use the arduino_gfx library to draw some stuff. The problem is that that library does not seem to have a driver that will create a bus with this board. I think it is because the driver is actually ST7701S with 3Wire SPI + RGB666.
I have not solved this, but I thought it might be helpful to restate the issue in a different way. Either: find a way to make arduino_gfx create a bus itself and initialize display, or find a way to have aurduno_gfx utilize the bus created by esp_display_panel (that you have gotten to work with RGB)
Does this sound correct?

thanks for the tip