Hello Everyone!
I have been trying to fix my problem from quite some time now but I could not. I have to measure the pulse widths of very short pulses between widths 5 to 15 microseconds accurately and I need a very good resolution for that. The best I could do by doing programming is measuring pulse widths after every microsecond like if the pulse width is 1 microsecond I could measure it and if it is 2 I could still measure it but not the values in between so the resolution is not good . Now there are two alternatives either to use a fast external adc like the one given by the link below it has a 0.42 µs conversion time (or if someone can tell me a better adc with such conversion time and whose interfacing is easy as well?)
or to use a external fast counter like the one shown below and if this counter is provided with lets say 10 MHz clock and the signal whose width is to be measured is applied to enable input and then making an interrupt into the Arduino when the pulse has a negative edge (end of pulse.)
Read and reset the counter from the Arduino.
So please guide me here everyone I would be grateful to all of you.