Hi guys .. I receive this error message. Can you help me?

hi guys ..
I receive this error message. Can you help me?

In file included from C:\Users\ahmed\Downloads\gpsObstaclePID1.00\gpsObstaclePID1.00.ino:12:0:
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:45:21: error: two or more data types in declaration of 'parameter'
                     double, int);
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:45:27: error: expected ')' before ',' token
                     double, int);
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:45:29: error: expected unqualified-id before 'int'
                     double, int);
C:\Users\ahmed\Downloads\gpsObstaclePID1.00\gpsObstaclePID1.00.ino:73:69: error: no matching function for call to 'PID::PID(double*, double*, double*, double&, double&, double&, int)'
 PID steeringPID(&currHeading, &Kgas, &currBearing,Kp, Ki, Kd, DIRECT);
In file included from C:\Users\ahmed\Downloads\gpsObstaclePID1.00\gpsObstaclePID1.00.ino:12:0:
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:24:5: note: candidate: PID::PID(double*, double*, double*, double*, double, double, double, double, int)
     PID(double*, double*, double*, double*,       // * constructor.  links the PID to the Input, Output, and
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:24:5: note:   candidate expects 9 arguments, 7 provided
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:20:5: note: candidate: PID::PID(double*, double*, double*, double*, double, double, double, double, int, int)
     PID(double*, double*, double*, double*,        // * constructor.  links the PID to the Input, Output, and
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:20:5: note:   candidate expects 10 arguments, 7 provided
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:5:7: note: candidate: constexpr PID::PID(const PID&)
 class PID
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:5:7: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 7 provided
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:5:7: note: candidate: constexpr PID::PID(PID&&)
C:\Users\ahmed\Documents\Arduino\libraries\PID/PID_v1.h:5:7: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 7 provided

exit status 1

Compilation error: no matching function for call to 'PID::PID(double*, double*, double*, double&, double&, double&, int

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Thank you
This code was copied from forum and I am trying to develop it for my project

#include <Wire.h>
#include <PID_v1.h>
#include <quaternionFilters.h>
#include <MPU9250.h>
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <Servo.h>
#include <Maxbotix.h>

const int pinLD = 12;    // Digital output to left motor for direction
const int pinLA = 11;    // Analog output to left motor for speed control
const int pinRD = 13;    // Digital output to right motor for direction
const int pinRA = 3;     // Analog output to right motor for speed control
const int gasAvg = 155;  // Average analog output to both motors... FLOOR IT BABY!!!
const int servoPin = 9;
const int pwSonarPin = 5;  // The digital pin for MaxSonar in PW mode

const float coastClear = 70.0;    // Threshold distance to begin avoidance
const float frontMinDist = 20.0;  // Threshold distance to take "evasive action"

const int servoDelay = 150;  // Time for servo to swing ~180 deg
const int sonarDelay = 250;  // Time to scan
const int headA1 = 0;        // Servo position looking  85 deg right
const int headA2 = 15;       // Servo position looking 60 deg right
const int headA3 = 35;       // Servo position looking 30 deg right
const int headCenter = 65;
const int headA4 = 95;    // Servo position looking -30 deg (left)
const int headA5 = 125;   // Servo position looking -60 deg
const int headA6 = 150;   // Servo position looking ~90 deg left
const float alpha1 = 85;  // Angle that's 90 degrees to right
const float alpha2 = 60;
const float alpha3 = 30;
const float alphaTol = 20;
const float tol = 10;  // 10 degree angle tolerance for turning

const double Kp = 6;
const double Ki = 0.2;
const double Kd = 1;  // PID control constants
const int magBias[] = { 125, 45, -50 };
const double R = 6371008.8;
const double range = 10;  // Within 7 meters call it good

double currHeading, Kgas;  // PID Setpoint, input and output vars
const double waypoint[] = { 29.540158, -95.110300 };
double coord[2];
double currDist;
double currBearing;
int dist[6];

unsigned long prevMillis = 0;
unsigned long currMillis = 0;

byte counter = 0;  // For lookAround
bool looking = false;
bool isObstacle = false;
bool finishedLooking = false;  // For the distance measurement
bool newResults = false;       // For the distance measurement
bool imReady = false;          // for the distance measurement

MPU9250 myIMU;
PID st(double *currHeading, double *Kgas, double *currBearing, double Kp, double Ki, double Kd, int DIRECT);

TinyGPSPlus gps;
Maxbotix sonar(5, Maxbotix::PW, Maxbotix::LV, Maxbotix::BEST);
Servo head;

void setup() {
  pinMode(pinLD, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pinRD, OUTPUT);
  Serial.begin(9600);  // GPS attached to Serial1 runs at 9600 baud


  myIMU.calibrateMPU9250(myIMU.gyroBias, myIMU.accelBias);

  currHeading = -myIMU.yaw;

  st.SetOutputLimits(-100, 100);

void loop() {
  getGPSinfo();              // gets coordinates, calcs currDist and currBearing
  getIMUdata();              // gets accel, gyro and magnetometer data
  calcYawPitchRoll();        // calcs yaw, pitch and roll
  currHeading = -myIMU.yaw;  // compass heading is negative of yaw

  if (!isObstacle) { checkForObstacles(); }

  if (isObstacle) { avoidObstacles(); }

  if ((currDist > range) && (!looking)) {
  } else {

}  // end loop()

void checkForObstacles() {
  float frontDist = 0;
  frontDist = sonar.getRange();  // Head pointing forward, measures distance in cm
  if (frontDist < coastClear) {
    isObstacle = true;
  } else {
    isObstacle = false;

void avoidObstacles() {
  if (!looking && !imReady) {
    imReady = true;  // I'M READY!  I'M READY!  I'M READY!
  if (imReady) {
    counter = 1;              // Keeps track of place in switch/case statement
    prevMillis = currMillis;  // Going to use this to time my servos
    imReady = false;
    looking = true;
    finishedLooking = false;  // Yes, this may be extraneous
  if (!finishedLooking) { lookAround(); }
  if (finishedLooking && newResults) {

// Turn head six different angles and take distance at each
void lookAround() {
  currMillis = millis();
  switch (counter) {
    case 1:
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > servoDelay) {
        counter = 2;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 2:
      dist[0] = round(sonar.getRange());
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > sonarDelay) {
        counter = 3;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 3:
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > servoDelay) {
        counter = 4;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 4:
      dist[1] = round(sonar.getRange());
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > sonarDelay) {
        counter = 5;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 5:
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > servoDelay) {
        counter = 6;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 6:
      dist[2] = round(sonar.getRange());
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > sonarDelay) {
        counter = 7;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 7:
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > servoDelay) {
        counter = 8;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 8:
      dist[3] = round(sonar.getRange());
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > sonarDelay) {
        counter = 9;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 9:
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > servoDelay) {
        counter = 10;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 10:
      dist[4] = round(sonar.getRange());
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > sonarDelay) {
        counter = 11;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 11:
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > servoDelay) {
        counter = 12;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 12:
      dist[5] = round(sonar.getRange());
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > sonarDelay) {
        counter = 13;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 13:
      if ((currMillis - prevMillis) > (3 * servoDelay)) {
        counter = 14;
        prevMillis = millis();

    case 14:
      counter = 0;
      finishedLooking = true;
      looking = false;
      newResults = true;

void turnTowardsFreedom() {
  float turnAngle = bubbleAngle();


  currHeading = -myIMU.yaw;
  currBearing = currHeading + turnAngle;
  if (currBearing > 180) { currBearing = currBearing - 360; }
  if (currBearing < -180) { currBearing = currBearing + 360; }

  if (turnAngle > tol) {
    while (turnAngle > tol) {
      currHeading = -myIMU.yaw;
      turnAngle = currBearing - currHeading;
      if (turnAngle > 180) { turnAngle = turnAngle - 360; }
      if (turnAngle < -180) { turnAngle = turnAngle + 360; }

  if (turnAngle < -tol) {
    while (turnAngle < -tol) {
      currHeading = -myIMU.yaw;
      turnAngle = currBearing - currHeading;
      if (turnAngle > 180) { turnAngle = turnAngle - 360; }
      if (turnAngle < -180) { turnAngle = turnAngle + 360; }

  newResults = false;
  isObstacle = false;

// Bubble Rebound Algorithm turn angle calculator
// I. Susnea, V. Minzu, G. Vasiliu, "Simple, real-time obstacle
//  avoidance algorithm for mobile robots," Recent Advances in
//  Computational Intelligence, Man-machine Systems and Cybernetics,
//  WSEAS Press, 2009, pp 24-29, ISBN: 978-960-474-144-1

float bubbleAngle() {
  float sumDist = 0;
  float alphaR = 0;
  float alphaAdj = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    sumDist = sumDist + dist[i];

  alphaR = (alpha1 * (dist[0] - dist[5])
            + alpha2 * (dist[1] - dist[4])
            + alpha3 * (dist[2] - dist[3]))
           / sumDist;

  if (abs(alphaR) < alphaTol) {
    if (alphaR <= 0)
      alphaAdj = -45;
    else if (alphaR > 0)
      alphaAdj = 45;
  } else
    alphaAdj = alphaR;

  return alphaAdj;

void pidDrive(double gasDiff) {
  int rightGas = round(gasAvg - gasDiff);
  int leftGas = round(gasAvg + gasDiff);
  digitalWrite(pinLD, LOW);
  digitalWrite(pinRD, LOW);
  analogWrite(pinLA, leftGas);
  analogWrite(pinRA, rightGas);
}  // end pidDrive(...)

void stopCar() {
  digitalWrite(pinLD, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(pinRD, HIGH);
  analogWrite(pinLA, 0);
  analogWrite(pinRA, 0);

void turnRight() {
  digitalWrite(pinLD, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(pinRD, LOW);
  digitalWrite(pinLA, gasAvg);
  digitalWrite(pinRA, gasAvg);

void turnLeft() {
  digitalWrite(pinLD, LOW);
  digitalWrite(pinRD, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(pinLA, gasAvg);
  digitalWrite(pinRA, gasAvg);

void getIMUdata() {
  myIMU.ax = (float)myIMU.accelCount[0] * myIMU.aRes;
  myIMU.ay = (float)myIMU.accelCount[1] * myIMU.aRes;
  myIMU.az = (float)myIMU.accelCount[2] * myIMU.aRes;

  myIMU.gx = (float)myIMU.gyroCount[0] * myIMU.gRes;
  myIMU.gy = (float)myIMU.gyroCount[1] * myIMU.gRes;
  myIMU.gz = (float)myIMU.gyroCount[2] * myIMU.gRes;

  myIMU.mx = (float)myIMU.magCount[0] * myIMU.mRes
               * myIMU.factoryMagCalibration[0]
             - magBias[0];
  myIMU.my = (float)myIMU.magCount[1] * myIMU.mRes
               * myIMU.factoryMagCalibration[1]
             - magBias[1];
  myIMU.mz = (float)myIMU.magCount[2] * myIMU.mRes
               * myIMU.factoryMagCalibration[2]
             - magBias[2];

  // Must be called before updating quaternions!


  // This is for (x, y, z) axes of magnetometer aligned with (y, x, -z) axes
  // of gyro/accelerometer.
  MahonyQuaternionUpdate(myIMU.ax, myIMU.ay, myIMU.az, myIMU.gx * DEG_TO_RAD,
                         myIMU.gy * DEG_TO_RAD, myIMU.gz * DEG_TO_RAD, myIMU.my,
                         myIMU.mx, myIMU.mz, myIMU.deltat);

void calcYawPitchRoll() {
  myIMU.yaw = atan2(2 * (*(getQ() + 1) * *(getQ() + 2) + *getQ() * *(getQ() + 3)), *getQ() * *getQ() + *(getQ() + 1) * *(getQ() + 1) - *(getQ() + 2) * *(getQ() + 2) - *(getQ() + 3) * *(getQ() + 3));
  myIMU.pitch = -asin(2 * (*(getQ() + 1) * *(getQ() + 3) - *getQ() * *(getQ() + 2)));
  myIMU.roll = atan2(2 * (*getQ() * *(getQ() + 1) + *(getQ() + 2) * *(getQ() + 3)), *getQ() * *getQ() - *(getQ() + 1) * *(getQ() + 1) - *(getQ() + 2) * *(getQ() + 2) + *(getQ() + 3) * *(getQ() + 3));
  myIMU.pitch *= RAD_TO_DEG;
  myIMU.yaw *= RAD_TO_DEG;
  //  myIMU.yaw -= 2.4;   //Declination of Webster, TX - not needed due to offset mount
  myIMU.roll *= RAD_TO_DEG;

void getGPSinfo() {
  while (Serial.available() > 0)
    if (gps.encode(Serial.read())) {
      coord[0] = gps.location.lat();
      coord[1] = gps.location.lng();
      currDist = distance(coord, waypoint);
      currBearing = bearing(coord, waypoint);

double distance(double *Coord, double *Waypt) {
  double rCoord[2];
  double rWaypt[2];
  rCoord[0] = Coord[0] * PI / 180;
  rCoord[1] = Coord[1] * PI / 180;
  rWaypt[0] = Waypt[0] * PI / 180;
  rWaypt[1] = Waypt[1] * PI / 180;

  double sin2Lats = sin((rWaypt[0] - rCoord[0]) / 2) * sin((rWaypt[0] - rCoord[0]) / 2);
  double sin2Lngs = sin((rWaypt[1] - rCoord[1]) / 2) * sin((rWaypt[1] - rCoord[1]) / 2);
  double cosLat1 = cos(rCoord[0]);
  double cosLat2 = cos(rWaypt[0]);
  double sqRt = sqrt(sin2Lats + cosLat1 * cosLat2 * sin2Lngs);
  double d = 2 * R * asin(sqRt);

  return d;

double bearing(double *Coord, double *Waypt) {
  double rCoord[2];
  double rWaypt[2];
  rCoord[0] = Coord[0] * PI / 180;
  rCoord[1] = Coord[1] * PI / 180;
  rWaypt[0] = Waypt[0] * PI / 180;
  rWaypt[1] = Waypt[1] * PI / 180;

  double sinLngs = sin(rWaypt[1] - rCoord[1]);
  double cosLngs = cos(rWaypt[1] - rCoord[1]);
  double cosLat2 = cos(rWaypt[0]);
  double cosLat1 = cos(rCoord[0]);
  double sinLat2 = sin(rWaypt[0]);
  double sinLat1 = sin(rCoord[0]);
  double term1 = sinLngs * cosLat2;
  double term2 = cosLat1 * sinLat2 - sinLat1 * cosLat2 * cosLngs;
  double b = atan2(term1, term2) * 180 / PI;
  return b;

In this file: Arduino-PID-Library/PID_v1.h at master · br3ttb/Arduino-PID-Library · GitHub

Here are lines 44 and 45 in PID.h:

    void SetTunings(double, double,       // * overload for specifying proportional mode
                    double, int);         	  

Maybe the "slash-space-asterisk" is interpreted as "slash-asterisk" (a comment)... remove the "*"?

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thank you

Was this a solution?