High CPU Usage by communicating with an Arduino

Hello everybody,
I have a problem with my Visual Studio UWP Project.
for the Project I am using some codesnippets of the following repository:

My problem is that the cpu usage of my Microsoft Surface increases approx. 30% for each connected Arduino

The Test Project with less codesnippets is here.

PS I also speak german :wink:

Best Regards, LeoLouis

Please post your Arduino program here - and post a complete program not just snippets.

These links may help. The techniques can be used with any PC programming language.

Serial Input Basics - simple reliable ways to receive data.
Python - Arduino demo


Please post your Arduino program here - and post a complete program not just snippets.

These links may help. The techniques can be used with any PC programming language.

Serial Input Basics - simple reliable ways to receive data.
Python - Arduino demo


I cant post a project over 1mb in this forum, because of that my project is on github.
less code snippets means that the project is just about the arduino connection.

I cant post a project over 1mb in this forum,

I doubt if your Arduino program is that big.
