Hello All!!
Just joined the forums to share my weekend project.
I have only a few weeks into Arduino programming. No other programming experience with any other language. But I did happen to pull this off in only a short amount of time.
The project uses:
- Arduino Uno
- Ethernet Module
- Ultrasonic Sensor Module HC-SR04
- DHT22 (Optional)
- 2''NPT to 2" Pipe Adapter (McMaster-Carr)
- Piece of Plexiglass
- Hot Glue Gun
- Misc. Tools
Instead of paying 80-200 dollars for a level transmitter made for specifically for heating tanks, I decided to make my own.
From the pictures below, you can see how I made it. It is Revision #1 and there are some finishing touches that need to be done before I consider in complete. For starters:
- Add a cap over the top to keep it clean
- Add a quick disconnect to the lid and solder the wires directly to the pcb of the Ultrasonic
- Fill the cup with a layer of hot glue just high enough to cover the pcb. Even with hot glue around the sender/reciever, they tend to leak a little bit of air and you can actually smell the fuel oil fumes when you stand close
Of course leaving the breadboard and Arduino aren't the permanent solution. I will be running a cable from the quick disconnect over to where the Arduino is to be permanently mounted.
Code Used:
/*Arduino Humidity + Xively Feed*/
//Declare headers
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <dht.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <HttpClient.h>
#include <Xively.h>
//Set log period
#define LOG_PERIOD 15000 //Logging period in milliseconds, recommended value 15000-60000.
#define MAX_PERIOD 60000 //Maximum logging period without modifying this sketch
#define DHT22_PIN 3 //DI pin with sensor data
#define trigPin 6
#define echoPin 7
dht DHT;
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0x0A}; //Assign MAC if one was not assigned to shield
char xivelyKey[] = "API_KEY_HERE";
char sensor0Id[] = "Temperature";
char sensor1Id[] = "Humidity";
char sensor2Id[] = "Oil_Level";
XivelyDatastream datastreams[] = {
XivelyDatastream(sensor0Id, strlen(sensor0Id), DATASTREAM_FLOAT),
XivelyDatastream(sensor1Id, strlen(sensor1Id), DATASTREAM_FLOAT),
XivelyDatastream(sensor2Id, strlen(sensor2Id), DATASTREAM_FLOAT)
XivelyFeed feed(FEED_ID_HERE, datastreams, 3);
EthernetClient client;
XivelyClient xivelyclient(client);
//Variable declaration
int Humidity; //variable for humidity value
int Temperature; //variable for temperature value, sensor output in Celsius
int OilLevel;
unsigned long previousMillis; //variable for time measurement
void setup(){
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
void loop(){ //main cycle
//--------------Begin DHT22 loop--------------//
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if(currentMillis - previousMillis > LOG_PERIOD){
previousMillis = currentMillis;
int chk = DHT.read22(DHT22_PIN); //Change for DHT type
Humidity = DHT.humidity;
Temperature = ((DHT.temperature*9)/5)+32;
int ret = xivelyclient.put(feed, xivelyKey);
//---------------End DHT22 loop--------------//
//------------Begin Ultrasonic loop---------//
//Code for Ultrasonic
int duration, distance, X;
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
X = ((duration/2) / 29.1) / 0.40727272; // Divide by 0.40727272 becasue 0-44" (tank height) equals
// 0-112cm (inches to CM). 112 CM divided by 275 Gallons.
if(X >= 275)
{X = 275;} //Filtering
if(X<=275) //Inversing of the distance for Liquid Level Measure
int ret = xivelyclient.put(feed, xivelyKey);
//------------Begin Ultrasonic loop---------//
Let me know if there is anything I can do to clean up my code. I am having a problem with serial monitoring. It doesn't work very well. Not sure what the problem may be.
Any insight/recommendation/improvements, let me know!!
Thanks guys!!