How can I use attiny85 with reverse PWM outputs with deadtime?

Hello people!

My project requires H bridge drivers, with analog input signal. As I searched, attiny85 is the one I need. However, I blinked the led, run stepper (with 2 input driver, and pot for speed control) but couldn't understand how to set PWM1 and negative (reversed or what-ever-called) PWM1 same time.

As mentioned, I will use 3 of this chip and run 6 hbridge together, controlled by a analog output capable DAQ card. So I need to somehow set the deadtime register, and set to output OC1A with OC1A and OC1B with OC1B as reversed. pin1 and pin7 will be my analogRead pins, and as mentioned, pin2 and pin3 for first hbridge, pin5 and pin6 for second hbridge.

Sorry that I couldn't not put the line over the text, but reverse is understood, I guess.
Thanks !

Uhm, anyone ?

I have similar requirement...
One solution is 100% hardware - the addition of inverter.
But, there may me soft solution as well?

I have similar requirement...

You should start a new topic.

Set bit COM1A0 in TCCR1A to invert PWM on OC1A. Set bit COM1B0 in TCCR1A to invert PWM on OC1B.