I have an old Blackberry, and I want to use it's keyboard as an external keyboard for my Pixel 7 android. I want to disassemble the blackberry, connect it's keyboard to Arduino uno, and then connect the Arduino to my phone using USB-C.
I request anyone to please guide me in the correct direction, as I can't find much information online.
- I don't know how to connect the blackberry keyboard to Arduino, and how to convert inputs from the keyboard to output on my android phone.
- What components do I need to purchase? I have Arduino Uno, USB-C breakout board, protoboard and some cables.
Sample project: GitHub - ZitaoTech/BBQ10-USB_BLE_Keyboard: An ultra portable Keyboard Mouse Combo using the original Blackberry Q10 keyboard and the trackpad from BB9900
The above uses a proper processor and firmware, and I want to make a similar project using Arduino.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!