How do I add an avatar to my profile?

Admit I'm getting old, but I just can't find how to do it, or instruction as to how to do it. Please help. (And BTW, are animated .gifs allowed?).
After 45 years in the game, you'd've thought I could think my way through this one!

(Please move this to "Website and Forum" - I can't find how to do that either!)

You can't move it; there is a link under your post "report to moderator". Click and ask for move.

PS done it for you.

It's really simple,

Click on your image on the top right hand corner and select Profile.
Screenshot_2020-11-29 Arduino Profile.png
Then, just click change your profile picture and that's done!

Was it really so hard?

Screenshot_2020-11-29 Arduino Profile.png

I kept trying to access my profile by clicking on my name (to the left of posts) and just getting the summary page. Couldn't find any way to navigate from that to the full profile (which is odd, IMHO).
Thanks, anyway. And can animated .gifs be used? (I'd guess that's a NO!).

A very short video on the topic

A very short video on the topic

Thanks, but now I know to go up to the top right corner, it's all plain sailing.
Again, are animated .gifs accepted for avatars?

Animated gifs "may" work but could be subject to size limitations.

Best is to simply try and see.
If it fails reduce the amount of frames and or resolution.

Animated gifs "may" work ....

FYI, it was animated (on my profile page) when I uploaded it, but froze as soon as I clicked SAVE.

I've seen a guy with .gif as profile picture but I don't know how he got it...

On another forum (on which I've been a member since 2006), animated .gifs were accepted when I joined and for a few years after. There was a major update, after which , animated .gifs were not accepted. However, .gifs that were already uploaded remained animated. I'm one of the very few members there who now has an animated .gif.
Perhaps there was a similar watershed event here?

The forum has gone through many interations and changes so that could be the case here also.

Not too much worth doing about it at this point in time.

Not too much worth doing about it at this point in time.


Not too much worth doing about it at this point in time.
