How do I connect a LCD, Potentiometer and a breadboard without solder?

How do I connect a LCD screen, Potentiometer and a breadboard and an arduino without soldering?

How do I connect a LCD screen, Potentiometer and a breadboard and an arduino without soldering?

Duct tape? Hot melt glue? Learn to solder?

There are always choices.

As Paul said.. glue 8)

I mean, I don't need to solder or get hot glue to connect it. Because I have none of those and I want to output text to the LCD but I don't know how to because the tut on the arduino is for people who don't have breadboard.

You need some male to male jumper wires, preferably 22 guage. You probably want to look at this tutorial from adafruit: Arduino Tutorial - Lesson 3 - Breadboards and LEDs


if you are manually a little bit skilled, you may use a "edge card" connector , similar to connectors on SCSI-Kables, just cut out the left and right corners, (one slot, or slut on each side), i have done it mayself successfully, so no soldering is necesarry to connect to a LCD with connections on top or bottom.

see here, for a connector example:

if the connector would be a bit longer(,as in width,) it would be a perfect fit.


You do realise he hasn't been here since August 2013, some 2½ years ago?