How do i multi task with an arduino uno

Exactly what a bot would say.

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How may I help you ?

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"In Germany, ve don't say, "Overkill." Ve say..."

ChatGPT used the familiar millis()-based approach.

That made my day :slight_smile:

Are you interested for --
1. millis() based multi-tasking sketch?

2. Arduino_FreeRTOS based multi-tasking sletch?


3. Both for comparison and educational purpose?

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Do you still need help?

thing is he replied in just seconds after i posted this

yes please

i know sorry

I am in the habit of watching YouTube in one window and having the forum open in another. If I see a new message alert in the forum I can open it and deal with it very quickly if I choose to

For common moderator actions and replies to common queries I have macros/replies that require just a click or two to execute so sometimes my replies will be posted very soon after the original post

Of course, as someone remarked in this topic, a bot would say that, wouldn't they ...

Given that 99.99% of all newbies ask the same questions and make the same mistakes, a BOT may be the best line of defense against them.

Is that question aimed at me ?

:laughing: :laughing:

OK, so post the code that you want to add these new features to.