Quiz show buzzer system guide?


I'm new to the Arduino forums but I wanted to do a...well, somewhat of a big project rather than little but I needed to understand how to put the brain together for the buzzer system. I was looking at the Arduino Uno as well as the Raspberry Pi Zero and also a Makey Makey, I don't know much about these boards as I have never seen nor handled any of these including to the Arduino so bare with me for I'm sitting in Limbo for my own project lol.

I just wanted to ask for some guidance. I don't live in the USA so all my materials I have to order which is a pain on my part but I wanted the Arduino Uno as my brain of the system and have two table top buzzers with a lockout and a timer or manual reset from a host box/control box, along with corresponding LEDs to signal who presses the button one near the buzzer and one the host box with a simultaneous sound upon pressing the buzzer.

Have you any experience in electronics or C++ coding?
Start slow, go through the examples which come with the Arduino IDE.
Look at some of the tutorials at Adafruit, Sparkfun and YouTube.

Thanks for the reply, I have adept experience in electronics but none in C++ coding. That's another language for me lol I'll check out what you suggested for sure! Any other tips or suggestions?

What you are wanting to do can be done on an UNO.
In your studies, master the technique of BWD (blink without delay), an example is in the IDE.

See Demonstration code for several things at the same time - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum