How to block a ultrasonc sensor waves

I need something to cancel, fake, affect Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04. I have a car that needs to be undetected or detected with fake values from the real location.Example: The sensor detects that it is at A but its at C. Sorry for bad english

Coupling between air and water at 40kHz is pretty inefficient, so a small body of water ought to do the trick - maybe a water-filled balloon.

A wall or anything solid does a pretty good job. Just like with audible sound waves.

Check the message now, i changed it

Put some nice sound absorbent foam on your car and it'll disappear.

But if this is about a real life car, it doesn't make too much sense to me as the range of the sensor itself is barely to the other end of that car.

It's about as small rc car

The sound absorbing foam will still work.