How to convert arduino uno to act like arduino leonardo?


How can we convert an Arduino UNO to have Leonardo functionalities with separate UART and USB port ? Which connections should I modify or add to the UNO schematic for the conversion to Leonardo?


That is not possible. An Uno uses a 328 microprocessor and a Leonardo uses a 32u4 microprocessor which is what gives it the extra features.

What exactly do you want to do?


That is not possible. An Uno uses a 328 microprocessor and a Leonardo uses a 32u4 microprocessor which is what gives it the extra features.

What exactly do you want to do?


I want to be able to use the USB and the UART serial port separately on Arduino UNO ( with 328 processor). Is it possible by modifiying or adding some connections ?

No. But you can use software UART.

Use SoftwareSerial to create an extra serial port on two other pins.


Use SoftwareSerial to create an extra serial port on two other pins.


After doing that, could I for exemple use almost every Leonardo code on an Arduino Uno?

and would I also have Serial1 (UART) to communicate via TTL (5V) serial on pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX) and a Serial reserved for USB CDC communication?


and would I also have Serial1 (UART) to communicate via TTL (5V) serial on pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX) and a Serial reserved for USB CDC communication?

On an Uno Serial (not Serial1) uses the pins 0 and 1 and you can't change that.

You can implement SoftwareSerial on another pair of pins.

SoftwareSerial does not work nearly as well as Hardware Serial so there may well be things you can do with Serial1 on a Leonardo that you cannot do with SoftwareSerial on an Uno.

And there are other differences between an Uno and Leonardo.

It would be much easier to give useful advice if you describe in full the project you are trying to create.


For Arduino Leonardo, If I understand well from (Serial - Arduino Reference), Serial1 is for reserved for UART and Serial is reserved for USB CDC Communication? I noticed that Serial1 prints text and response in the serial monitor, However, I didn't understand the objective of Serial. Can we use Serial also for printing the text and response on the serial monitor?
What is the difference betweeen UART and USB communication ? When should I use one rather than the other ?
Thank you

For Arduino Leonardo, If I understand well from (Serial - Arduino Reference), Serial1 is for reserved for UART and Serial is reserved for USB CDC Communication? I noticed that Serial1 prints text and response in the serial monitor,

On my Leonardo it is Serial that sends data to the Serial Monitor though the USB interface.

Serial1 sends data to and receives data from Pins 1 and 0. However if you have nothing connected to Pin 1 the data just disappears.

On an Uno Serial is connected to Pins 1 and 0, and also to the USB interface

You still have not answered my last question in Reply #6 - what are really trying to do?


There are other boards that use the 32u4 chip, such as the Micro. Perhaps you could get one of those instead of trying to emulate it with a 328.