How to create a wireless emergency bell!

Hello!, I am wondering how I would go about creating a wireless bell, as my grandmother is ill, and while we live on the same property, I would like to have a buzzer, the premise is simple, and I would link an Arduino wifi, to either the web for a notification, or to link it to another Arduino in another house, that would buzz. please advise on how to do this, I am a newbie.

where would the button be for your grandmother ? something she wears all the time ?

would you want to rely on something hacked together to take care of any urgent issue with your grandmother....

whists it's fun to build such thing, get a commercial, trusted solution if someone's life or health is involved...


Its only temporary, it would be like a door remote, not attached to her, but better then her trying to call us

if the homes are close by, I would get a wireless Doorbell

for about $30 you can get two buttons and two receivers with power supply... will be hard to beat that price with something custom


That would require you going across the public internet.

You might take a look at:

Although I'm sure it's not guaranteed for critical tasks ...

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