How to delete a library

I have installed a library from the library manager but it does not work correctly so how can I uninstall in? Thank you

You have posted in the IDE 2.x category of the forum so I assume that is the version that you are using

Open the Library Manager. Find the library and click the REMOVE button

I do not know which version I am using as I am a beginner so how can I see that?

What does it say in the title bar of the IDE window ?

its says" Arduino 1.8.19

Then you are not using IDE 2.x so the procedure to delete a library is different and requires needs to be done manually

Locate your Sketchbook folder (look in File/Preferences in the IDE if you don't know where it is) and open the libraries folder. You should see a folder in there with a name that refers to the library that you want to delete. Delete that folder and the library will be deleted. I suggest that you make a copy of the folder in another location before deleting it in case of problems

Of course, you could always try to fix the problem that you are having with the library rather than deleting it

Your topic has been moved to a more relevant category

Try this...


  1. it should be written at the top when you open the IDE
    2023-09-10 00_39_08-Eliminate_Print_and_Println _ Arduino IDE 2.1.1
    in my case it says ARDUINO IDE 2.1.1

Or you can select HELP in the toolbar
2023-09-10 00_39_43-Eliminate_Print_and_Println _ Arduino IDE 2.1.1

Then Select ABOUT
2023-09-10 00_40_05-Eliminate_Print_and_Println _ Arduino IDE 2.1.1

and then you see something like this which tells you VERSION 2.1.1

    Go to the Library manager like this
    2023-09-10 00_40_21-Eliminate_Print_and_Println _ Arduino IDE 2.1.1

On the Left Side Panel there are some icons
Pick the one that looks like a bunch of books
2023-09-10 00_40_39-Eliminate_Print_and_Println _ Arduino IDE 2.1.1

You'll then see this
2023-09-10 00_40_53-Eliminate_Print_and_Println _ Arduino IDE 2.1.1

In the top section select INSTALLED
2023-09-10 00_41_09-Eliminate_Print_and_Println _ Arduino IDE 2.1.1

You will then be presented with all your libraries that you have installed
Pick the one you want to Uninstall
2023-09-10 00_41_27-Eliminate_Print_and_Println _ Arduino IDE 2.1.1

You then click Remove
In older versions YOU SELECT INSTALL and you get a chance to Uninstall it

You can also do this...

then continue as above
2023-09-10 00_48_19-Eliminate_Print_and_Println _ Arduino IDE 2.1.1

Let me know how you go

Please keep up at the back :grinning:

We have established that it is version 1.8.19, which is one reason that I moved the topic to the IDE 1.x category from its original location of IDE 2.x

Please post a screenshot of that. Which versions of the IDE are you referring to ?

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Sorry it must have been the case when i was posting you had already moved forward.

I can't post a screenshot of it, it was in a version of IDE that i no longer have installed,
i think it was back in 1.8 or something to that effect

i remember it also confusing me
and the solution was to click Install or Hover over it and then you would get an option to Uninstall

Where would I find this option? I tried this in my Library Manager but can't seem to make it happen?

This would make life easier. I'm using Version 1.8.9 and 1.8.19.

OK. Since i no longer have Version 1.8 Installed
to refresh my memory,

go to your library manager
and give me a screenshot of 1 of your libraries
and then i'll tell you

The easiest solution is to type libraries in the windows search bar and open the libraries folder, then trash the library file you want to delete there

Ahh yes, Now i remember
I'm using google images to depict this. ok

go to library manager
2023-09-10 02_31_42-Arduino ide 1.8 library manager - Google Search

See where it says INSTALLED


@anon76350110 was using v2

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True i'm on 2.1.1
but i do remember 1.8 and did provide a screenshot on how to do it,
i do remember it now, You click on the word INSTALLED and it changes to UNINSTALL

I remember it because when i found it i thought it was the dumbest thing i ever saw

You are thinking of Arduino IDE 2.x. Arduino IDE 1.x never had a way to uninstall libaries:

Arduino IDE versions 2.0.0 through 2.0.4 had the unintuitive system of the "INSTALLED" label turning into an "UNINSTALL" button on hover:

That was done away with during the UI reworking that was released in Arduino IDE 2.1.0:


so what about Post #12 then
has that been tried
Further to that we can attack REGEDIT if need be

2023-09-10 02_56_20-How to uninstall a library in arduino 1.8 - Google Search

I am on mac
Does anyone know how to do it on that because it is different than windows.

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2023-09-10 02_59_46-How to uninstall a library in arduino 1.8 MAC - Google Search