How to get Arduino Yun to visit URL

I am trying to upload data to a google Docs Spreadsheet via a form that I made. The form works and the URL I have works when I visit it in my browser. Now I need my YUN to visit this URL to log the data to the spreadsheet.

I've been doing research for like 4 hours now and I cant get it working.

I've tried using the runShellCommand and using curl command to visit the URL but no good.
I've tried using YUN HTTP client to visit URL but no good.

Is this not a simple thing to do? "YUN please visit this URL ""

Please see my attached code for specifics. I took out some of the code for sensor readings to make it easier to see where my problem is.

Thanks in advance!

Google_Doc_Spreadsheet.ino (2.25 KB)

I could imagine that the list of trusted CAs in the Yun's Lineo doesn't contain the entry "Google Internet Authority G2". You either have to extend that list with that root certificate (maybe you can find that somewhere on the Internet) or use a service that doesn't need SSL.