Hello guys, today i came with a question about how to split a string like this with different variables with something like this:
String input = "{a:9999;b:8888;c:7777;d:1111}";
into something like this:
string a = 9999;
string b = 8888;
string c = 7777;
string d = 1111;
I thought that i could use functions like this: startsWith() and endsWith() but this only gives a boolean right? and i want to store the data between a: and ;
I added the { and the } to make sure that the all the data inside the { } is received correctly.
Should be fairly easy to do, similar to the below test code. You would find the positions (indexOf(':')) of the : and ; then capture the data in between. Then find the positions of the next : and ; then again capture the data in between. Note the second find starts at the previous found position +1.
//zoomkat 11-12-13 String capture and parsing
//from serial port input (via serial monitor)
//and print result out serial port
//copy test strings and use ctrl/v to paste in
//serial monitor if desired
// * is used as the data string delimiter
// , is used to delimit individual data
String readString; //main captured String
String angle; //data String
String fuel;
String speed1;
String altidude;
int ind1; // , locations
int ind2;
int ind3;
int ind4;
void setup() {
Serial.println("serial delimit test 11-12-13"); // so I can keep track of what is loaded
void loop() {
//expect a string like 90,low,15.6,125*
//or 130,hi,7.2,389*
if (Serial.available()) {
char c = Serial.read(); //gets one byte from serial buffer
if (c == '*') {
//do stuff
Serial.print("captured String is : ");
Serial.println(readString); //prints string to serial port out
ind1 = readString.indexOf(','); //finds location of first ,
angle = readString.substring(0, ind1); //captures first data String
ind2 = readString.indexOf(',', ind1+1 ); //finds location of second ,
fuel = readString.substring(ind1+1, ind2+1); //captures second data String
ind3 = readString.indexOf(',', ind2+1 );
speed1 = readString.substring(ind2+1, ind3+1);
ind4 = readString.indexOf(',', ind3+1 );
altidude = readString.substring(ind3+1); //captures remain part of data after last ,
Serial.print("angle = ");
Serial.print("fuel = ");
Serial.print("speed = ");
Serial.print("altidude = ");
readString=""; //clears variable for new input
else {
readString += c; //makes the string readString
Regardless of which approach you use, it is probably conceptually easier to do the parsing in two stages. Get the tokens "a:9999", "b:8888", "c:7777", and "d:1111". Then, parse each of those tokens.
Thanks all for you help, i was able to do it using strtok function, i left you the code if someone else have the same question and if you have a suggestion to make the code works better it will be welcome:
#include <string.h>
char input[] = "{a:9;b:8;c:7;d:1}"; //Input
const char del[] = "{}abcd:;"; //Delimiters
char *token,*ok1,*ok2;
int i=0;
char *array[3]; // Number of variables to save
int loc1,loc2;
const char str3 = '{';
const char str4 = '}';
void setup() {
Serial.print("Input: "); //Display the input
ok1=strchr(input, str3); // Check that { exist on string
ok2=strchr(input, str4); // Check that } exist on string
if (ok1!=NULL && ok2!=NULL) //Checks char has { and }, i do this because i will send different kind of messages using { and } to indicate one type.
token = strtok(input, del);
while( token != NULL )
array[i++] = token;
Serial.println(token); //Print all the tokens
token = strtok(NULL, del);
for (i=0;i<=3; ++i) {
Serial.println(array[i]); //Print the saved value
void loop() {