How to pogram an Xbee without Arduino

Hi guys,

I am relative new to the Arduino world. My question is how do I program an Xbee without Arduino code.

I understand how to code a blinking led in the Arduino IDE (see attachement) and also how to configure two Xbees with XCTU. I use two Xbees S2C (
But the goal is to do all this without XCTU, Arduino and so on....

I need to program it as basic as possible because I need to implement this code in a big car companies software ("ADTF") as a project. So I probably have to write my own h.-file aswell. The software understands C++.

I am too confused about the serial communication, AP mode,....

Please help!

Thank you so much!

LED.ino (893 Bytes)

So, you won't be using an Arduino but you are asking for help in an Arduino forum.

Is that correct ?

Yeah that is the task. Where should I ask?

Yeah that is the task. Where should I ask?

An Xbee forum perhaps

The XBees ship with all the software they are ever going to have. You can NOT change the software on an XBee.