Hi guys,
I am relative new to the Arduino world. My question is how do I program an Xbee without Arduino code.
I understand how to code a blinking led in the Arduino IDE (see attachement) and also how to configure two Xbees with XCTU. I use two Xbees S2C (https://www.digikey.de/product-detail/en/digi-international/XB24CDMWIT-001/602-1967-ND/6226955).
But the goal is to do all this without XCTU, Arduino and so on....
I need to program it as basic as possible because I need to implement this code in a big car companies software ("ADTF") as a project. So I probably have to write my own h.-file aswell. The software understands C++.
I am too confused about the serial communication, AP mode,....
Please help!
Thank you so much!
LED.ino (893 Bytes)