How to use Hotend(heater+termistor) on CNC Shield V3.0(with Arduino UNO)

Help me please, i whant to build 3d printer using Arduino UNO and CNC Shield V3.0. Explain me please how to use Heater and Termostor on CNC SHield?

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If you are talking about this shield:

then there is no provision for an extruder heater nor thermistor. The hardware will have to be added. It would consist of MOSFETs to drive the heater, fan (if required) and the interface for the thermistor. An Uno will be unlikely to be able to run the software for a 3D printer, anyway. I would recommend a Ramps shield (or equivalent) and a Mega controller. The Ramps has all you need. The Mega will allow the use of many of the popular 3D printer firmware controllers. I use Marlin.

I know that Mega+ramps better, but i can`t now to get this boards((So I need to build 3d printer on uno+cnc shield.

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Getting the hardware to work is the easy part. I know of no firmware (3D printer controller) that will work with an Uno. You will have to write your own and that is very difficult.

I've a vague memory (from seven years ago) that I noticed that the Marlin firmware I was using at the time would fit in an Uno. It was academic because I had a Ramps board and a Mega, but it may work.

There's likely a bunch of stuff in there that you don't need too, so you could produce a cut down version if it actually doesn't fit. Easier than writing it from scratch.

Pull it down and try compiling it.