HTTP Rest API for image recognition

Hi, I must warn you that I am a noob when it comes to arduino so please go easy on me :wink:

So I want to connect a camera and a micro sd (that's fairly easy with all the tutorials online) but then I want to send the image to my neural network for it to be classified. My neural network is running on a webservice called

They have API's and everything explained there and It works unsing cURL, Python, PHP... but in the website there is no way to use it with an arduino. How can I do it? The API's information is on the bottom of the mainpage.

Example cURL code (other examples in other programing languages on the Website):

curl -v -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Token {__API_TOKEN__}' -F image_file=@'{__IMAGE_FILE__}';type=image/jpeg' -F 'task={__TASK_ID__}'

I want to use an Arduino Uno with either a WIFI module or a GSM. Is it possible or do I have to buy a yún to run the curl code they provide? I really don't want to buy the yún since my project objective is to do it as cheaply as possible.

I would really appreciate your help

So I want to connect a camera and a micro sd (that's fairly easy with all the tutorials online)

Is it?
Arduinos and video tend not to mix too well.

You would be better off using something like the Raspberry Pi.

Arduinos and video tend not to mix too well.

I wont use video. I am thinking of saving a picture when a sensor gets activated. I have used this tutorial: Arduino Usage | TTL Serial Camera | Adafruit Learning System

but i am not shure if I can make the http rest api request

Ok sorry if my question was too broad. If I use a ESP8266 wifi module with the arduino uno how could I make the post request like in this curl code?

curl -v -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Token {__API_TOKEN__}' -F image_file=@'{__IMAGE_FILE__}';type=image/jpeg' -F 'task={__TASK_ID__}'

Is it possible to implement this? How could I do it? Is there a library to help me?