Hi, I must warn you that I am a noob when it comes to arduino so please go easy on me
So I want to connect a camera and a micro sd (that's fairly easy with all the tutorials online) but then I want to send the image to my neural network for it to be classified. My neural network is running on a webservice called https://vize.ai/.
They have API's and everything explained there and It works unsing cURL, Python, PHP... but in the website there is no way to use it with an arduino. How can I do it? The API's information is on the bottom of the mainpage.
Example cURL code (other examples in other programing languages on the Website):
curl -v -XPOST -H 'Authorization: Token {__API_TOKEN__}' -F image_file=@'{__IMAGE_FILE__}';type=image/jpeg' -F 'task={__TASK_ID__}' https://api.vize.ai/v1/classify/
I want to use an Arduino Uno with either a WIFI module or a GSM. Is it possible or do I have to buy a yún to run the curl code they provide? I really don't want to buy the yún since my project objective is to do it as cheaply as possible.
I would really appreciate your help