Hello everyone!
I was trying out this program:
const int tb = 3; //Top button
const int bb = 4; //Bottom button
const int vp = 5; //Vibrator pin
bool tbposition;
long tbinitialtime;
long tbpresenttime;
bool tbprevposition = 0;
long tbpushtime;
bool bbposition;
bool morsevoice = 0;
void setup(){
Serial.println("ONE is go");
The rest of the code is unimportant. There's nothing relevant in it. The problem is somewhere above.
When I start the program, the Serial monitor should print "ONE is go".
However, what's happening is that when I upload the program onto my Uno R3, three squares appear in the Serial monitor. Afterwards, when I press the reset button on the Arduino, a blank line appears every time I reset, like an ENTER.
Does anyone know what's happening? Could someone help me out?