I did not ask Serial.print to print me squares!

Hello everyone!

I was trying out this program:

const int tb = 3; //Top button
const int bb = 4; //Bottom button
const int vp = 5; //Vibrator pin
bool tbposition;
long tbinitialtime;
long tbpresenttime;
bool tbprevposition = 0;
long tbpushtime;
bool bbposition;
bool morsevoice = 0;

void setup(){
  Serial.println("ONE is go");

The rest of the code is unimportant. There's nothing relevant in it. The problem is somewhere above.

When I start the program, the Serial monitor should print "ONE is go".

However, what's happening is that when I upload the program onto my Uno R3, three squares appear in the Serial monitor. Afterwards, when I press the reset button on the Arduino, a blank line appears every time I reset, like an ENTER.

Does anyone know what's happening? Could someone help me out?



It will when you actually invoke the serial connection. Look at sample programs that come with your IDE and they will show you what you missed.

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Ah ... I get it.

I just forgot to put "Serial.begin(9600)" BEFORE!

HAHA Thanks for your help ... silly mistake!


I knew you would find it. Much better that just writing code for you! Good luck!
