I2C - Gerneral

Hello everybody, I am new here, but not unskilled.

I see many problems between DUE and I2C.

Is everbody here and say the actually status of this?

Is there a working library to download somewhere?

My Projekt:
I have the LCD16x2 from OLIMEX:
Link: SHIELD-LCD16x2 - Open Source Hardware Board

I will this run on DUE.

OLIMEX can't help. --> ok --> but I have information for register of this.

The next step is running the I2C on DUE. --> connection with LCD16x2

Who can help me? --> maybe a working I2C-scanner for DUE?

I promise, I write all results here, with backgroundinformations.


...thank you. I tested and posted.


I have a another problem with wire.h , I get the message "No such file or directory" (wire.h).

Normaly easy, but wire.h is installed under ...\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Wire\Wire.h

Installed over ZIP from https://www.resistorpark.com/arduino-wire-library-download/

Who is my problem?


Capitalization is important to the compiler, even if many windows programs will auto-correct for you...

...oh no, yes, you have right, thank you.