so, I'm making the ESP32-wrover Computer,
but I'd like sensor ideas for my project,
I'm currently building the hardware.
I'm using a/an pressure sensor, flame sensor, microphone, distance sensor, DHT sensor, wetness sensor, and a soil moisture sensor!
I will add a light sensor.
Thank you all for any ideas you all might have!
Not clear what you're asking for... What do you mean with "sensor ideas"? Sensors are sensors...
You don't have any and want to buy some? google and see which seem to match your requirements (we don't know) and/or your budget (we don't know).
You don't know how to use that sensors? You need to get them phisically before...
For light sensor, you can use a simple LDR.
what is fixed? this forum is not for people who open topic and marking own post as solution, despite i have seen many.