IDE is mixing backslash and slash in search path while compiling

I'm very new at this Forum and I hadn't yet found the Forum search (the Google search will not helb anyway).

My problem is, that when I try to compile my "Hello World" the Arduino IDE likes to use some additional files but the search path is really scary. First it uses double Backslash within the predefined part of the search path (preferences.txt) and second the self created part of the search path is using slashes. See below.
No wonder, it doesn't work!

Does anybody have any suggestions or hints for me?

Arduino: 1.8.9 (Windows 10), Board: "ODROID ESP32, QIO, 80MHz, Default, 921600, None"
exec: "C:\Users\***\Documents\Arduino\hardware\espressif\esp32/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-g++": file does not exist

Windows supports both backslash and slash as a path separator so this is no problem. The compilation recipe is specifically written this way so that it will be compatible with all operating systems.

As for the double backslashes that is necessary because a single backslash would be seen as an escape character. I have the same sort of paths on my ESP32 compilation output and it works just fine.

Now to try to fix your error:
This indicates something has gone wrong with your ESP8266 core for Arduino installation. To make sure it has been fully uninstalled you need to take some drastic action. Be aware this is somewhat advanced and will remove all boards you have installed via Boards Manager:

  • Click the link on the line following File > Preferences > More preferences can be edited directly in the file. This will open the Arduino15 (or similar name depending on OS) folder.
  • Delete all files and folders under the Arduino15 folder except for preferences.txt. Please be very careful when deleting things from your computer. When in doubt, back up!
  • (In the Arduino IDE) Tools > Board > Boards Manager
  • Wait for the downloads to finish.
  • Scroll down until you see the ESP8266 entry. Click on it.
  • Click "Install".
  • Wait for installation to finish.
  • Click "Close"

Hi Pert,

thanks a lot for the information about Slash an Backslash.

Now I had to face a new Problem.

My Board Manager tries to download, but it's Always 0 Byte of 0 Byte and I can't find any ESP8266 in the list.

Is there any point to select where the source for the board downloading is to find?


I had to execute get.exe!

refer to this page:

In the future, I would recommend just using the Boards Manager installation method for ESP32:
That is by far the easiest way to install and update the ESP32 core.

The manual installation method you used is intended for beta testers and developers only. Everyone else should use Boards Manager.