IDE v1.5.8 SPI new functions documentation

Greetings! Is there a document somewhere (or coming out soon) that documents the additional SPI functions included with the IDE v1.5.8? If I'm going to test them, it would be a good thing to know how to use them.

The new functions are:

static void usingInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNumber);
inline static void beginTransaction(SPISettings settings);
inline static void endTransaction(void);

There appear to be a couple new SPI.transfer() functions also that allow 16 bit and a multiple byte (array) transfers.

edit: If I had to guess:
The SPI.usingInterrupt() function sets an interrupt number that another SPI device is using in an interrupt function to access the SPI bus.

The SPI.beginTransaction() function sets new SPI settings (speed,mode,bit order) and uses a hardware interrupt mask to disable the interrupt set in the SPI.usingInterrupt() function call.

The SPI.endTransaction function restores the interrupt mask to its former settings.

How did I do?

Does this help:

Does this help:
SPI Arduino Library, connecting SPI devices to Teensy

That somewhat verifies what I guessed by looking at the library source code. I'm hoping for a more detailed doc on the new functions from the authors of those functions.

I think Paul Stroffregen is the author of the new SPI transactions. He's got a github repo here:

Maybe you can ask him for more detials via GitHub's issues feature.

Yes Paul Stoffregen is the author AFAIK.

Thanks Scott and Rob. The link to Paul Stoffregen's github page has the stuff I need. I guess the website developers will get around to adding the new functions and examples to the SPI reference eventually.