With my BASIC language programmed controllers I can use AND and OR.
example: IF (VAL > 100 AND VAL < 140) THEN ...
How can I solve this with the if function in the Arduino?
With my BASIC language programmed controllers I can use AND and OR.
example: IF (VAL > 100 AND VAL < 140) THEN ...
How can I solve this with the if function in the Arduino?
you need to add () 's and a lot of them , further Arduino knows 2 types of AND and OR's the logical and the bitwise.
IF (VAL > 100 AND VAL < 140) THEN ...
if ((val > 100) && (val < 140))
See for more information http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Boolean
C++ Keyword Synonyms
and &&
and_eq &=
bitand &
bitor |
not !
not_eq !=
or ||
or_eq |=
xor ^
xor_eq ^=
EDIT: What the above means is that:
IF (VAL > 100 AND VAL < 140) THEN ...
can be written as:
if ( val > 100 and val < 140 )
See for more information http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Boolean
Thanks for this link didn't now where to look.
It works perfect now. Many thanks
you need to add () 's and a lot of them
Why? && and || are of a much lower precedence than any operator you would commonly use in a comparative expression. Overbracketing just leads to parenthesis-blindness in my opinion, though I concede that is partly a matter of style.
Why? && and || are of a much lower precedence than any operator you would commonly use in a comparative expression
True, but for those few times the precedence was higher it kept my debugging sessions short except the first time
Ever debugged LISP code?