IMU and Motion Capture

Hi to everyone,

i would like to have some advices about inertial sensors IMU to made a motion capture system, i have seen differents works with MPU6050 modules, my question is: is it the best?Or there are some modules better?

i need to setup one system with more than one module so i need more pins adress and don't know if I2C protocol is enough, plus i need to make this sistem wireless.

Thank you for your cooperation!

What do you mean by "motion capture system"?

I would like to know the position between the various articular segment (hip, knee, ankle for example),angles etc and show it through a 3D rendering software!

That is an EXTREMELY challenging problem, but it has been done.

Do you have a lot of experience with sensors and C/C++ coding?

not very expert, basic knowledge.I'm expert on hardware!