I am using enum instead of int to track the mode of a program.
I have these three modes:
enum Mode {
I created a variable:
Mode currentMode = fixed;
Now if I want to use a button to change mode (increasing the value) this will give an error:
however, the following line compiles:
currentMode = currentMode +1;
why would this be?
Surely the point of using an enum is to be able to use meaningful names for a state. If so, then incrementing one of the values is of little value as then you do not know the name of the current state and might just as well use a normal variable.
The compiler may ne OK with it but what about the poor human trying to read and understand the code ?
Incrementing an int makes sense if you are for example stepping through named menu items on a screen. It is not clear that incrementing a state variable makes sense.
Thank you all. I did not write it in the post but , yes of course there should be a way to go back to the first mode after the last (in this case music mode).
And yes, I do realize that it makes little sense to use int when in fact I was trying to make the code more legible.
You could write a function which returns the "next" mode - including a solution what should happen with the "next" mode when in "music".
It is the same thing but it acts behind the scene making the code more readable I suppose. Not sure If I can do better in this sense.
Admittedly I have I have also checked chatGPT which offers a more elegant one line code for going back to 0: static_cast<Mode>((currentMode + 1) % 3
is the static cast needed though?
You could define enums for firstMode and lastMode, so that it is clear what you are comparing/setting the mode to, and the code is not specific to the number of enums. It is possible for two enums to share the same value, so firstMode and fixed can both be 0.
I am not sure I understand how you would do that in practice... Noiasca's example sets specific behaviours on passing from one mode to another, which takes care of the last mode, but I am not sure if you mean the same thing or something different.
in your post #7 you have a hardcoded 3 and a hardcoded 0.
so if you add a "FIRST_ELEMENT" in the beginning and a "LAST_ELEMENT" at the end of your enumeration, you could replace that hardcoded 3 and 0 with "LAST_ELEMENT - 1 " and "FIRST_ELEMENT +1". The code will work even if you add values between first and last element.
Sometimes you see something like "NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS" as last entry to "count" the number of values.
Nowadays I advice against adding artificial values in the enumeration.