Incrementing number has weird results

Hi, all.
I am creating a code for executing a code from an sd card. I am working on compound operators and I am testing the incrementing function. When I execute the function the results are the same as the input. Here is the code:

int co(int a, String b, int c) {
  Serial.print("<" + String(a++) + ">");
  // Compound Operators
  if (b == "++") {return a++;}
  if (b == "--") {return a--;}
  if (b == "+=") {return a+=c;}
  if (b == "-=") {return a-=c;}
  if (b == "*=") {return a*=c;}
  if (b == "/=") {return a/=c;}
  if (b == "|=") {return a|=c;}
  if (b == "&=") {return a&=c;}
  if (b == "%=") {return a%=c;}
  if (b == "^=") {return a^=c;}

The Serial prints are for debugging and when I run this code I get this in the Serial Monitor: a15b++c15<15>16 The input number is 15 and the last 16 is the output of the function however when I comment out Serial.print("<" + String(a++) + ">"); it says this in the Serial Monitor: a15b++c1515

This means if I do the operation in the Serial Monitor before doing the final operation it shows the correct answer, otherwise it will say the input number. What do I do?

Try ++a instead of a++.


Thanks so much. I checked on the arduino reference and it says x++ increments x by 1 but returns the old value of x and ++x increments x by 1 and returns the new value.


You got it. Many a bug has come down to someone choosing the wrong one.

Sorry to ressurrect this, but this is correct, but not the entire story. In English,
return(++a); is "increment variable a, then return the value of variable a",
return(a++); is "return the value of variable a, then increment{usually uselessly} the variable a"

Results/implications dependent on variable a's value due to post-increment will vary depending upon whether a is a global variable, a static(persistent) variable, or a volatile variable that is dismissed at the end of the function.

If a is a global, or static, you may take advantage of this trick, with a having a different value than that which is returned - or you may introduce a nasty and hard-to-locate bug. If it's volatile, no harm done, but no gain either, as the variable is immediately discarded due to returning from the function.

Hope this helps; others may chip in with more clarity wrt scoping rules, I'm no guru.

If we want to get pedantic, the variable might also be of a C++ type that has overloaded the definition of ++ to do something entirely different.

or a volatile variable that is dismissed at the end of the function.

be careful; I think you're using "volatile" in a way that doesn't match it's use in C and C++ (you probably mean "automatic" and/or "local/temporary")

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In this case a is an argument passed by value.

return a + 1; would be a lot more clear in that it would make it obvious that you're not actually incrementing any variable. All of the return values here are flawed like that. What got passed as a will never change from this function.

Were the variable passed by reference instead then this would increment whatever had been passed there.

The argument is defined as int. Which brings up an interesting question that I'm sure has an answer. If this was pass by reference and the thing passed in for a was some custom type with an overloaded ++ and an overloaded cast to int, then what happens? Does it get treated as an int or does it call the overloaded ++?

No intention of that. I'll leave that to others...

Simply pointing out a perfectly common wrinkle the OP didn't seem to be aware of.