Infamous Mega timeout

I've been using a Mega 2560 for months on an amateur radio project, with no problems uploading (mac running 10.6 and IDE 1.05). Today, I started getting the avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout message. I've tried: restarting after deleting the preferences.txt file and disconnecting the USB cable. I have an Arduino board that accepts a sketch just fine, but when I unplug the Arduino and plug in the Mega, I get the above message.

I've really put in many hours on my project. Can someone explain how I might fix the Mega board? I've read the other topics on this, but none of those helped. Should I try reprogramming through the Arduino board? This is very discouraging.

I'm not sure if this will help, but might be a hint - I had the same problem with atmel studio in past - it was becouse atmel studio somehow changed default freq of comunciation with atmega - check you arvdude config if it's not too small.

Thanks for help. Punching reset button while uploading worked. Unhappily, button was buried between shields and deep in project case. In future, I'll always bring out a reset button by hard wire.