Intergration on KLD7 radar with arduino Uno

I have the KLD7 radar i have tried using uart and connecting it to the software that the company provides to obtain the RADC data but I am only getting it in form of graph from which i cannot get the exact values the python code that is given online for getting the data makes python just stop responding or it does not give any thing so I wanted to know if i can integrate it with uno and get the radc data. I don't mind not using uno I just need a way to obtain the data. as a new user apparently i cannot put attachments so i have put a link to the datasheet below

Arduino Uno can be used to read raw data from the radar via UART.
Connect the radar's TX to the Uno's RX (pin 0).
Connect the radar's RX to the Uno's TX (pin 1).
Ground the radar and Uno together.
The basic code will be:

void setup() {
    Serial.begin(9600); // For communication with PC (USB)
    Serial1.begin(115200); // Change to the radar's baud rate

void loop() {
    if (Serial1.available()) {
        String radarData = Serial1.readString();
        Serial.println(radarData); // Forward data to PC for debugging

There is no Serial1 on an UNO.

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