Today I started using interrupts and learning about them. I use a small anemometer to play around with.
I have been reading about interrupts and using them for this purpose. I made a small sketch...Small problem, after a while the Serial port "hangs" and does not update. I have seen that no delay() or Serial.println should be used in an ISR. So I put them in my void loop () (see code below). Is there anyone that can explain me where the problem might be? All feedback is welcome!
This code counts the amount of pulses from an anemometer
which has 3 pulses per rotation. With thise pulses an average windspeed can be calculated
volatile byte WindCount;
float WindSpeedMs;
float WindSpeedKmH;
float Rotations;
float Distance;
int RotationsPerSecond;
unsigned long LastMillis = 0;
void setup() {// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin (9600);//open serial monitor
attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt(2), PulseCount, RISING);//attach interrupt anemometer to pin 2
void loop() {// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (millis() - LastMillis == 5000) { //when 5 seconds passed
detachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt(2)); //detach intterupt
Rotations = WindCount / 2.0; //count rotations and devide by 2
Distance = Rotations * 0.4398; // 1 rotation is about 44 cm
WindSpeedMs = Distance / 5; // distance divided by 5 seconds is speed in m/s
WindSpeedKmH = WindSpeedMs * 3.6; //from meters per second to kmh
Serial.println("Rotations");//print values on serial bus
WindCount = 0;//reset values
LastMillis = millis();//reset LastMillis
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), PulseCount, RISING);//attach the interrupt
void PulseCount() {
Detaching, and re-attaching the interrupt handler is not usually done. Just disable interrupts, copy the relevant data, enable interrupts, and then perform the calculations.
You have too many global variables. The scope of variables should be as small as possible.
Hi all! Thank you all for the quick replies! The serial monitor keeps working now. I am generally quite patient but 49 days is a bit too much.
About the Interrupt()/noInterrupt function I need to reed a bit more since I can't seem to find out the distance between the 2...
What do you mean by "the distance between the 2" ?
OPs autocorreckts me thinks? distance = difference?
Temporarily stops interrupts from happening. Allows you to read/write variables shared with the interrupt code without fear of having them modified part way through by an interrupt.
Re-enables normal interrupt handling.
As Robin2 says the amount of code between noInterrupts() and interrupts() should be as small as possible.
Usually it is just: read/write a variable (or two).
Things to absolutely avoid: delay(), loops, floating point maths. Do these things after taking a copy of the shared variable(s) you need.
Yes, sorry! I meant difference. I basically copy the value of WindCount and then I reset it to 0 in the new code. Now I run into another issue. And that is the fact that probably I need to debounce the reed switch of the anometer because I sometimes read values that do not make sense...
And that is the fact that probably I need to debounce the reed switch of the anometer because I sometimes read values that do not make sense...
You need to tell us what is the expected shortest interval between legitimate pulses.
Your interrupt code probably needs to be like this
The variable previousPulseTime should be volatile unsigned long and the debounceInterval should be roughly 50% of the shortest time between legitimate pulses.
I see your solution. Thing is I am using an anemometer. So the debounce in this case should happen in the ISR right? Which probably means a hardware solution would be better? I am just thinking out loud... I read in the datasheet that for the anemometer 1 revolution/seconds equals to 2.4km/h. Which means a lot of pulses per second.
Not really a lot compared with many encoders. That means you have about 240 pps at 240km/h wind speed.
Yes, you normally need to debounce in the ISR, if it's just a reed switch. You can reduce the ISR overhead by conditioning the signal first, with an RC filter and/or comparator with hysteresis. If you do a really good job of signal conditioning, you don't need to debounce at all.
At 240 pps the interval between pulses is about 4000 microsecs which is a long time for an Arduino. In the code I suggested in Reply #8 I would set the debounceInterval at 2 millisecs or 3 millisecs and see what happens.
You could add hardware debouncing but it may not be necessary.
Thank you for your replies. I will try to apply it this evening and see how it works! In a later stage of my project I need to apply way more code so I need to keep the ISR as short as possible.
I tried the suggested debounce code and I understand what it is doing. But my readings now do not match at all...eventhough I turn the anemometer for around 10 times in 5 seconds I get a maximum of 1 rotation. I am using a debounce interval of 5ms in a volatile variable...I have no clue about the pulse time though since I do not have a datasheet of the anemometer
Also Arduino has built in hardware for capturing either pulse counts or durations. It will be more accurate than using millis(), but won't necessarily solve your de-bounce problem (if indeed you have one).
Ideally you'd also be using an oscilloscope to see what kind of signal you are dealing with, rather than trying to find out what works by guesswork and experiment.
This code counts the amount of pulses from an anemometer
which has 3 pulses per rotation. With thise pulses an average windspeed can be calculated
volatile byte WindCount;
int CopyOfWindCount;
float WindSpeedMs;
float WindSpeedKmH;
float Rotations;
float Distance;
int RotationsPerSecond;
unsigned long LastMillis = 0;
volatile unsigned long debounceInterval = 5;
volatile unsigned long previousPulseTime;
void setup() {// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin (9600);//open serial monitor
attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt(2), PulseCount, RISING);//attach interrupt anemometer to pin 2
void loop() {// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if (millis() - LastMillis >= 5000) { //when 5 seconds passed
noInterrupts(); //detach intterupt
CopyOfWindCount = WindCount;
WindCount = 0;//reset values
Rotations = CopyOfWindCount / 2.0; //count rotations and devide by 2
Distance = Rotations * 0.4398; // 1 rotation is about 44 cm
WindSpeedMs = Distance / 5; // distance divided by 5 seconds is speed in m/s
WindSpeedKmH = WindSpeedMs * 3.6; //from meters per second to kmh
Serial.println("Rotations");//print values on serial bus
LastMillis = millis();//reset LastMillis
// attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), PulseCount, RISING);//attach the interrupt
void PulseCount() {
if(millis() - previousPulseTime >= debounceInterval){
previousPulseTime = millis();
.I have no clue about the pulse time though since I do not have a datasheet of the anemometer
How many pulses does it produce per revolution - I have been assuming it is only 1
If it produces 1 pulse per rev and you rotate it 10 times in 5 seconds that should produce a pulse every 500 millisecs. At that very slow speed the debounce interval may need to be 50 rather than 5
I suggest you change this
volatile byte WindCount;
to this
volatile unsigned long WindCount;
and also change CopyOfWindCount to unsigned long
It may be that there are more than 255 pulses and your byte value is overflowing and rolling over back to 0
Why are the real counter and the copy different types?
Yes sorry, stupid mistake. I changed it. Eventhough it does not change that much.
@Robin2 I can hear the anemometer switch 2 times per revolution. If I look on the serial monitor the numbers really do not make sense. When I keep turning it sometimes prints 0. At other times It spikes up to 35 revolutions...