IoT - Network Credentials

If I ship an IoT product to someone how do they change/enter their network credentials without recompiling the source code? (SSID & pass)

They send their secrets.h file to you.

you could use bluetooth and the BLExAR app if the IOT product does not have a UI

blt not far enough range. thanks

Yes I was hoping not to do that but it might be, thanks

Hi @joyce10.

The typical approach is to configure the sketch program so that it can be put into a mode where it produces a Wi-Fi access point. The user connects their computer or mobile device to that access point and opens the web browser, then loads a web page that allows them to configure the credentials for the Internet router's Wi-Fi access point via a friendly user interface. The user experience can be further enhanced by using a captive portal to cause that web page to be automatically displayed by the browser after they connect to the access point.

There is a nice library that is often used to implement such a system:

There are also several forks and alternative libraries, which you can find by searching Library Manager (WiFiManager will be a good keyword for the search).

There is some discussion of the use of the "WiFiManager" library with Arduino Cloud IoT Thing sketches here: