Hello all,
I'm new to the Arduino world. Trying to do as many instructables as I can with the parts I have. But I have been looking all over the web for a simple ESP8266 tutorial, with not much luck.
First of all, is this part not meant to be used with an arduino? Most of the tutorials out there use a USB to TTL module like a FT232RL to write programs to it and use it standalone. Furthermore, it operates on 3.3V making it a pain to make it communicate with an arduino. It also seems to require a tiny bit more amps than the safe range for Arduino's 3.3v port, so it requires its own power supply? Last but not least, it apparently requires its own serial port, so it doesn't work with anything less than an arduino mega?
I'm just getting really frustrated with this part. I thought it would be a simple wifi module for arduino, but it seems to be anything but. Can anyone just point me to a simple tutorial that makes it work with an arduino? Everything I found either didn't have schematics at all, or were using unsafe voltages like plugging it directly to the arduino saying "it works fine for me", or not showing half the circuit and using unclear explanations of what they are doing.
Alternatively, can list what parts I'd need to run it properly, in addition to a FT232RL? Do I definitely need a separate power supply? Or can I work some magic with capacitors, resistors or something? Do I need something like a voltage regulator? A relay? A 2xAA battery pack? A microcontroller of some kind?
Alternatively, can anyone recommend a different wifi module that is actually arduino friendly?
Many thanks in advance.