Isolating stepper motor from controller with one power source

Is this set up good enough to protect my microcontroller from the stepper motor…? I only recently received my first (cheap) stepper motors and know they should not be powered off the microcontroller.

I'm using:

  • ULN2003 28BYJ-48 4-Phase Stepper Motor with 5V Drive Board
  • 5V 3A 15W AC 100V~240V to DC Power Supply Adapter
  • Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board

(I'm also driving a small tft screen and sonar sensor with the esp32) Everything works fine when I use a separate 5 volt power supply and my stepper motor uses ~.3 amps at 5 volts.

I'm curious if this setup is appropriate to protect my controller? If it is not, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


The ESP 3.3V outputs should be able to control the motor safely.

really, that's great! So I should be able to plug in the ULN2003 positive to the USB power pin (5 volts) from the esp32?

  • Connect the external 5V supply directly to the motor driver power pin.
  • Connect the external 5V supply to the ESP USB connector.
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thank you!

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