This is the result from the diagnostic tool (hd44780's I2CexpDiag):
Serial Initialized
I2CexpDiag - i2c LCD i/o expander backpack diagnostic tool
hd44780 lib version: 1.3.2
Reported Arduino Revision: 1.6.7
CPU ARCH: AVR - F_CPU: 16000000
SDA digital pin: 18 A4
SCL digital pin: 19 A5
Checking for required external I2C pull-up on SDA - YES
Checking for required external I2C pull-up on SCL - YES
Checking for I2C pins shorted together - Not Shorted
Scanning i2c bus for devices..
Total I2C devices found: 0
No I2C devices found
The display turns on, the contrast is set already (as I said it used to work), now the address doesn't get detected at all and I can't display any text to it. There's nothing on A4 and A5 pin.
Does anybody have an idea of what the problem may be?
Thanks in advance, I don't know anymore what to try besides buying a new LCD
I have read a topic in which the problem had been solved by removing what was connected to A4/A5 (since they can be used as SDA/SDL as well). I just listed everything I have tried and didn't work, in order to not get the same suggestions
Have you tried the I2C Scanner sketch to see if anything gets detected on the I2C bus?
If nothing detected I suggest you to check your wires and perhaps change breadboard. In the past I've had issues with iffy breadboard connections and faulty connection when using long jumper wires.
I did already, doesn't find any device and keeps scanning.
I already checked the wires as well, moreover the SDA and SCL cables are direct from Arduino to the LCD, therefore the breadboard isn't the issue
Did the driver board and display arrive soldered together?
Some do, some don't. Check the solder.
No sense going any further if i2c_scanner doesn't detect it.
Is the 200ohm resistor in series with the power , can you measure the Voltage on the backpack?
There will be a significant drop in Voltage across the resistor due to the LCD back light.
It's so silly that I would have never thought about it (also cause when I tested it - I did with the resistor and it worked), it finally works! Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it